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This is a tiny ssh tunnel implemented in GO. It's main purpose is to establish an SSH connection from a Docker container to a jumpbox and redirect all outgoing TCP traffic over this connection.

To start sshtunnel daemon process use:

sshtunnel start


This daemon process can now be used to start various proxies which handle requests from local clients.


TCP-Proxy (Linux only)

The TCP-Proxy listens on a TCP port and allows to forward requests which have been redirect to this port using the iptables feature --to-ports.

sshtunnel start-proxy tcp [<port>]

If no port is specified, a random (unused) port will be used.

To do the iptables configuration, you have to execute the following command:

sh <(sshtunnel iptables-script)


sshtunnel start-proxy socks5 [<port>]

If no port is specified, a random (unused) port will be used.


Listen on a local UDP port and forward DNS requests over TCP to a target address. This allows forwarding of DNS requests via the tunnel. As the tunnel itself only supports TCP, sshtunnel translates from UDP to TCP.

sshtunnel start-proxy dns


Rules are used to select which dialer has to be used for a target address.

sshtunnel add-rule <ip-address/network>


Finally the dialers forwards the requests (via SSH) to its destination.

sshtunnel add-ssh-key <ssh_key_file>
sshtunnel add-dialer [<username>@]<hostname>

It's allowed to add multiple ssh dialers:

sshtunnel add-dialer [<username>@]<hostname>,[<username2>@]<hostname2>
# or
sshtunnel add-dialer [<username>@]<hostname>
sshtunnel add-dialer [<username2>@]<hostname2>

It's also possible to use an existing socks5 proxy to establish connections:

sshtunnel add-dialer socks5://<hostname>:<port>

Release builds

To create a release, you just have to tag a commit with a tag starting with v, push this tag and wait...

> git tag v1.0-beta4
> git push origin v1.0-beta4

Yow will find the released binaries some minutes later on the Releases page.