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slider ui component for react

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  • support ie8,ie8+,chrome,firefox,safari






var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var Rcslider = require('rc-slider');
ReactDOM.render(<Rcslider />, container);



name type default description
className String rc-slider Additional css class for the root dom node
min number 0 The minimum value of the slider
max number 100 The maximum value of the slider
marks object{number: string} or object{number: object{ style, label }} {} Mark on the slider. The key determines the position, and the value determines what will show. If you want to set the style of a specific mark point, the value should be an object which contains `style` and `label` properties.
step number or `null` 1 Value to be added or subtracted on each step the slider makes. Must be greater than zero. max - min should be evenly divisible by the step value. When `marks` is not an empty object, `step` can be set to `null`, to make marks as steps.
range boolean or number false Determines the type of slider. If range is `true`, two handles will be rendered in order to select a range. If range is a number, multiple handles will be rendered (number + 1). Using `range={true}` is equivalent to `range={1}`.
allowCross boolean true When `range` is `true`, `allowCross` could be set as `true` to allow those handles to cross.
pushable boolean or number true When `range` is `true`, `pushable` could be set as `true` to allow pushing of surrounding handles when moving an handle. When set to a number, the number will be the minimum ensured distance between handles. Example:
vertical boolean false If vertical is `true`, the slider will be vertical.
defaultValue number or [number, number, ...] 0 or [0, 0] Set initial positions of handles. If range is `false`, the type of `defaultValue` should be `number`. Otherwise, `[number, number, ...]`
value number or [number, number, ...] Set current positions of handles. If range is `false`, the type of `defaultValue` should be `number`. Otherwise, `[number, number, ...]`
handle Component Provide a custom Handle to use in the slider by passing a component. This component will have a `value` and `offset` props used to define custom styling/content.
included boolean true If the value is `true`, it means a continuous value interval, otherwise, it is a independent value.
disabled boolean false If `true`, handles can't be moved.
tipTransitionName string '' Set the animation for tooltip if it shows.
tipFormatter function or `null` Format the value of the tooltip if it shows. If `null` the tooltip will always be hidden.
dots bool false When the `step` value is greater than 1, you can set the `dots` to `true` if you want to render the slider with dots.
onChange function NOOP `onChange` will be triggered while the value of Slider changing.
onAfterChange function NOOP `onAfterChange` will be triggered when `ontouchend` or `onmouseup` is triggered.


npm install
npm start



online example:

Test Case





rc-slider is released under the MIT license.


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  • JavaScript 92.8%
  • CSS 7.2%