Discord Boats' Official Java API Wrapper
In Gradle:
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'xyz.discordboats:Boats4J:1.0.1'
In Maven:
Boats4J can help you automatically post the server count by using the constructor with JDA:
new Boats4J(jda, apiToken);
new Boats4J(shardmanager, apiToken, botid) ;
Boats4J bfourj = new Boats4J(ApiToken, botid);
bfourj.postStats(count); // count is a long!
If you do not want to create an instance you can post statically
Boats4J.postStats(count, botid, token);
Boats4J.postStats(jda, token);
Boats4J.postStats(shardmanager, token);
You can easily get information about a bot
BotInfo info = Boats4J.fetchBotInfo(id);
You can also get information about a user
UserInfo info = Boats4J.fetchUserInfo(id);