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1, Sign in with username,password
2, Sign in fast with connect your Google account
3, Sign up for new user
4, Resetpass
5, Search bar:
- Quick search by entering the first few letters of the product name will show all products
- Save the last 10 search keywords
6,Flipper: every 3 seconds run a new advertisement
7,List of Category: filter products by type of category
8, List of Products: Show all the products include: name,image,price,detailed description.9,Cart Feature:
- Increase or decrease the quantity, remove the product from the cart
- Show the total cost of current order
- Show subtotal,tax and totalcost
- Enter information for the order include: fullname,email,phone,address,date ship,additional comments
- Show product order list
- Send order information to server
12,Bottom Navigation Bar: include
- Chat with shop or your friends
- Chat bot
- Profile
This is a personal project, I implemented it myself from the stage of ideation, interface design, implementation of functions, testing.
It took me about 2 month: 6/2023 - 8/2023 to complete it
- Using Java language and Android libraries is completely self-study knowledge, not taught before in school
- Using Restfull API to get product and category data from the server to the mobile app and send customer and order information from the phone to the server for storage, management, and exploitation.
- Using Firebase for:
- Authentication User,Signin,Signup,Reset pass
- Firebase Database to save the user information,realtime database for chat of user and shop
- Firebase Storage to store and update user image in profile
- Send email to another test my project by download APK
- Integrated chatbot to automatically answer customers' questions and concerns
- Integrated chat function likely whatsapp so users can chat with friends or with shop owners
If you have any questions or want me to send the APK file to download and experience my app, please contact me at
- My gmail address: [email protected]
- My phone number: 0335620803
- My Facebook link: