This repository show how to refactor a big function to a more readable code code step by step from Uncle Bob (UB) who is the author of Clean Code.
Flowing this repository will let you know following questions ?
How big should a function be? 20 Lines? A screenful? Is there a way to know if your functions are the right size?
Object Oriented Design involves the art of breaking applications into classes. But have you found all the classes in the design of your application? Is there a way to know?
Functions are supposed to do "One Thing", do it well, and do it only. But what is "One Thing". Is there a way to tell if your functions are obeying that rule?
The answer to all these questions is yes! And not just with some fuzzy hand-waving platitudes either. There are fool-proof and unambiguous answers to these questions.
step1: clone this repo:
git clone
step2: import the repo into your IDEA,
then add jars in lib
folder into classpath.
- init with no-refactored code
- extract the function to a class
- extract the duplicated get crawler logic into a class field , initial it at construct method
- extract mode variable
- extract includePage function for 4 same block
- use String.format replace String + String
- extract includeIfInherited function
- extract includeSetups and includeTearDowns functions
- cut the StringBuffer with funcitons return string
- merge the if block into one together
- extract isTestPage function for more readable code
- extract surroundPageWithSetupsAndTeardowns functions
- rename the class name and invoke name more meaningful
These bellow refactor history shows how to refactor a big fucntion into very small functions. It makes sure each function just do one thing, and simple, very nice for reading.
run command git hist
to see the refactor history.
* 0a59fcd <anduo> (HEAD -> master) (13 seconds ago)
| rename the class name and invoke name more meaningful
* 3cf27c4 <anduo> (2 minutes ago)
| extract surroundPageWithSetupsAndTeardowns functions
* a9aa5f3 <anduo> (4 minutes ago)
| extract isTestPage function for more readable code
* 93d53e2 <anduo> (5 minutes ago)
| merge the if block into one together
* 29d061c <anduo> (6 minutes ago)
| cut the stringbuffer with funcitons return string
* 78d7bf6 <anduo> (14 minutes ago)
| extract includeSetups and includeTearDowns functions
lines 1-12...skipping...
* 0a59fcd <anduo> (HEAD -> master) (13 seconds ago)
| rename the class name and invoke name more meaningful
* 3cf27c4 <anduo> (2 minutes ago)
| extract surroundPageWithSetupsAndTeardowns functions
* a9aa5f3 <anduo> (4 minutes ago)
| extract isTestPage function for more readable code
* 93d53e2 <anduo> (5 minutes ago)
| merge the if block into one together
* 29d061c <anduo> (6 minutes ago)
| cut the stringbuffer with funcitons return string
* 78d7bf6 <anduo> (14 minutes ago)
| extract includeSetups and includeTearDowns functions
* 26370b9 <anduo> (21 minutes ago)
| extract includeIfInherited function
* 9720018 <anduo> (24 minutes ago)
| use String.format replace String + String
* e128112 <anduo> (25 minutes ago)
| extract includePage function for 4 same block
* 436fbd7 <anduo> (27 minutes ago)
| extract mode variable
* 606332f <anduo> (32 minutes ago)
| extract the duplicated get crawler logic into a class field , initial it
| at construct method
* 5ce25d5 <anduo> (35 minutes ago)
| extract common variable into construct method
* d1b8e50 <anduo> (49 minutes ago)
| extract the function to a class
* 091dd74 <anduo> (54 minutes ago)
init with no-refactored code
The full version of the refactor steps can find at history
More rules about clean code - functions can find at clean-code-episode-3