English - Vietnamese dictionary lookup application created by Java Swing implemented on Netbeans IDE 16 with the following basic functions:
- Switch lookup language.
- Look up words and display their meanings.
- Add new words (with meaning) to the selected dictionary.
- Delete a word (with its meaning) from the selected dictionary.
- Save favorite words. Sort your favorite word list in A-Z order or Z-A.
- Statistics on search frequency of words searched from Date1 to date Date2.
- Allows us to search according to English - Vietnamese or Vietnamese - English as desired.
- Also allows users to add to favorites list
- You can add new words to the English-Vietnamese or Vietnamese-English list as desired
- Here you can view the list by English - Vietnamese or Vietnamese - English
- Select words or all to Delete - Favorites
- Refresh the word table
- Allow viewing - delete 1 or more words in the favorites list
- View the list by English - Vietnamese or Vietnamese - English
- View a statistical table of words looked up and the number of times
- Can be viewed within the period Date1 -> Date2 or viewed all
- Can be sorted by A - Z, or number of times