Uses for Lisk, for Onz and slightly modified versions of for Lwf, Oxy and Shift.
Use these tools at your own risk and use it only when you know what you are doing.
- Store the offline-tools on an offline device.
- Create a transaction with the offline tools
- Scan the QR code with the Android app to execute the transaction online. (A compiled apk for Android can be found in OnlineBroadcaster/release.)
- For voting transactions the public keys in _delegate_public_keys.txt and/or the dutch_pool_votes.txt can be used. These files can be found in the folders for the corresponding platforms.
If you like these tools, please consider voting for the Dutch Pool delegates dutch_pool, fnoufnou, kippers, st3v3n, thamar or consider a donation to one of the following addresses.
- OXY: 902564290011692795X
- LWF: 2526916071607963001LWF
- ONZ: ONZfxHuBy5e39nipSZuSgcKhYURE6QkWsK2j
- Shift: 18040765904662116201S
- Lisk: 8890122000260193860L
- BTC: 1NrA8k8wNRwEZj2ooKQEf2fFnF6KqTE32T
More information about Dutch Pool can be found at