A Hollow Knight mod to make it more like Hungry Knight.
Drag HollowStomach.dll
to the mods folder of your Hollow Knight installation. Hollow Stomach requires the Modding API to function.
- Hitting enemies no longer gives the Knight SOUL.
- SOUL constantly drains at a rate of 3.3 every second.
- If your SOUL runs out, you start to starve. Every 2 seconds, you take 1 damage.
- Picking up any Geo grants the Knight 33 SOUL.
- Geo pickups have a chance to be rare purple Geo pickups, which increase your movement speed and prevent SOUL drain for 6 seconds.
- Starvation Mode: a much harder version that may or may not be beatable!
- SOUL drain does not take effect until you first pick up Geo.
- If you are in a dream sequence or the Abyss, SOUL does not drain, though if you are out of SOUL you still are subject to starvation.
- Being within range of a Bench causes the Knight's SOUL to regenerate.
- You can shake down bosses for their pocket change.
- Works with any Custom Knight skin.
- Ensure that True Ending is possible.
- Ensure that every boss properly drops Geo.
- Get this in the Mod Installer.
- Figure out how to get around the Geo restrictions in Godhome.
- Dying before reaching a bench after a hardsave may cause a softlock.