This repository is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the contributions of Dwarves community members to the open-source ecosystem. We appreciate the time and effort our members put into building projects and contributing to others.
The following table lists all the open-source projects created by Dwarves community members. Feel free to explore and contribute to these projects!
Project Name | Description | Maintainer |
LLM Hosting | Managing server processes for embeddings using the Infinity Embedding model or LLMs with an OpenAI-compatible vLLM server | monotykamary |
Hidden Bar for MacOS | An ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons | phucledien |
Mochi UI | Beautiful and accessible React UI library for building web3 applications | thanh |
Blurred for MacOS | A macOS utility that helps reduce distraction by dimming your inactive noise | phucledien |
Devpod Provider Paperspace | A Paperspace provider for DevPod | monotykamary |
NextJS Boilerplate | Opinionated React template for building web applications at scale | thanh |
Go API Boilerplate | Go boilerplate streamlines new projects with a predefined structure and base code | hieuphq |
React Toolkit | Frontend utility packages for React | thanh |
Note: If you're a Dwarves community member and you've created an open-source project, please submit a PR to add it to the list!
Here are the pull requests made by Dwarves community members to various open-source projects, making a difference in the wider ecosystem.
Note: Contributed to an open-source project? Submit a PR to include your contribution in the list!