This app was written to reproduce a bug in Android build tools.
- Gradle plugin:
- Compile SDK: android-21
- SDK Build tools: 21.1.0
- SDK tools: 23.0.5
- SDK platform-tools: 21
- Ubuntu & Android Studio 0.9.1
In latest SDK build tools, we can use the dx parameters '--multi-dex' & '--main-dex-list' & '--minimal-main-dex' to generate and control multiple dex files in APK. If these parameters were used, the expected dex files will be generated, it's great. But in the final APK, the dex files' names were changed.
From the following operation logs, you can see that the "classes*.dex" names in the final APK were exchanged!
[PWD: ~/work/tyc/ycdev/demos/MultiDexTest/app] (master)
$ ../gradlew clean aDebug
Total time: 38.889 secs
[PWD: ~/work/tyc/ycdev/demos/MultiDexTest/app] (master)
$ ll build/intermediates/dex/debug/
×ÜÓÃÁ¿ 4280
drwxrwxr-x 2 yongce yongce 4096 11ÔÂ 6 00:16 ./
drwxrwxr-x 3 yongce yongce 4096 11ÔÂ 6 00:16 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yongce yongce 874148 11ÔÂ 6 00:16 classes2.dex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yongce yongce 3494932 11ÔÂ 6 00:16 classes.dex
[PWD: ~/work/tyc/ycdev/demos/MultiDexTest/app] (master)
$ unzip -l build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk | grep ".dex"
874148 2014-11-06 00:16 classes.dex
3494932 2014-11-06 00:16 classes2.dex
AOSP bug track: