First we will create and configure an application to keep track of a diary, all worked with OptionsAPI and Vuex, specifically we will do the following:
- Configuring modules in Vuex
- Configure a backend to make http requests
- Getters with arguments
- Control the global and modular state
- Different main routes and daughter routes
- Routes with different templates or templates
- functions with dates
The purpose of this section is for us to put into practice what we have learned in the composition API in our diary application. We will specifically cover the following topics:
- Composable Vues
- Custom composables to access the store
- Authentication handling
- Guards applied
- Token handling
- Authentication status
- authenticating
- authenticated
- Not Authenticated
- Mutations within composables
- Actions inside composables
- interceptorsmd
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint