Started on 12/08 Ended 13/08
Team: Eric, David, Raza, Hunter, Yvonne and Patricia
Click here to view the working app view online here.😊
You can use your Google account to log in, and then it's like a live notification board. BeMindful isn't just a regular website – it's built using Next.JS, Prisma, and Vercel. It provides a simple and enjoyable place to record and think about the moments that make you feel grateful.
git clone
cd BeHealthy
npm install
npm run dev
npm install -g vercel
# Review and Deploy:
# After configuring your settings
# Vercel will provide you with a final overview of your deployment settings.
# Review everything to make sure it's accurate.
# Deploy!
Next.JS: Front end frame work ensures fast dev time.
Prisma: Backend/DB Prisma ensures secure storage and efficient management of your mindful MYSQL records.
Vercel: Deployment menthod - Vercel guarantees swift loading times, seamless updates, and a reliable environment.