A PHP wrapper for Openexchangerates.org API with extended features for non advanced options plan.
- Return all available currencies
- Return latest exchange rates using default base currency USD or custom currency
- Return historical exchange rates using default base currency USD or custom currency
- Return dates range exchange rates using default base currency USD or custom currency
- return single rate
- Change base currency
- Convert between currencies
- Cache exchange rates using Memcache, APC or File cache
- Set currencies that will be returned in resulting exchange rates
use Dzasa\OpenExchangeRates\OpenExchangeRates;
use Dzasa\OpenExchangeRates\Cache;
$config = array(
'api_key' => 'your_api_key', // required
'protocol' => 'https', // optional [http|https]
'client' => 'curl', // optional [curl|file_get_contents]
'base' => 'EUR' // optional
// using File cache
$cache = new Cache("file", array('cache_dir'=>'/path_to_cache_dir/'));
$exchangeRates = new OpenExchangeRates($config, $cache);
// or using APC
$cache = new Cache("apc");
$exchangeRates = new OpenExchangeRates($config, $cache);
// or using Memcache
$cache = new Cache("memcache", array('host'=>'localhost', 'port'=> 11211));
$exchangeRates = new OpenExchangeRates($config, $cache);
// or not using cache
$exchangeRates = new OpenExchangeRates($config);
// get all currencies
$currencies = $exchangeRates->getAllCurrencies();
// change base currency
// set currencies
// get latest currencies
$latestRates = $exchangeRates->getLatestRates();
// get exchange rates for 01.01.2014, input can be any valid strtotime input for past
$historicalRates = $exchangeRates->getHistorical("2014-01-01");
// get exchange rates for date range, input can be any valid strtotime() input
$timeSeries = $exchangeRates->getTimeSeries("last Friday", "today");
// convert from EUR to BAM with 3 decimals
$convert = $exchangeRates->convert("EUR", "BAM", 10, 3);
// get rate for EUR currency
$singleRate = $exchangeRates->getRate("EUR");
// get base currency
$baseCurrency = $exchangeRates->getBaseCurrency();
// get API license
$license = $exchangeRates->getLicense();
// get API Disclaimer
$disclaimer = $exchangeRates->getDisclaimer();
- Works with PHP 5.3 or above.
Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub
Jasenko Rakovic - [email protected]
Licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details