The website can be found here.
It is hosted by readthedocs, the admin site can be found here.
The notebooks are in docs/source/notebooks
To run the notebooks from browser, click this link or the "Binder" tag at the top of this README.
First time you want to use the docs, install all packages and make the docs building script executable.
git submodule init tidy3d
git submodule update tidy3d
pip install -r tidy3d/requirements/dev.txt
pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
To compile the docs:
cd docs/source
rm -rf _build
rm -rf _autosummary
python -m sphinx -T -b html -d _build/doctrees -D language=en . _build/html
open _build/html/index.html
There is one test, which runs all of the notebooks and fails if there are any errors.
To run the test:
pytest -rA tests
Before release, we may want to format the code using jupyterblack.
This package may be installed via
pip install jupyterblack
and used to format a single notebook X.ipynb
jblack docs/source/notebooks/X.ipynb
or all notebooks as
jblack docs/source/notebooks/*.ipynb
Note: is is not in the standard requiremenents yet as we are still experimenting with it.