- basic stopwatch
Timer class
setTimer(seconds) declares # of seconds on timer.
can also start, stop, and pause
- method of controlling countdown states / times
Should be able to read in the default pref, and start timers of set length and update the stateDisplay for the appropriate action.
currently is hardcoded, but adding actually loading shouldn't be too hard, probably
- distance tracking (can currently get lat / long)
using gms can request lat / long, want to tie into a google map to show running route
- way to save and load data
saveFloats(saveKey, floatList, keyList) will save to shared preferences a list of floats with keys under a preference named saveKey
- run planner / editor
should be able to save to a preference using saveFloats, number of cycles and run / walk time can all be floats for now should just load and save to a pref using default as a key, add more functionality later
- basic ui to tell user to run / walk
Improve stateDisplay class to include some kind of visual other than simple text output using run() and walk()
- more advanced ui
- allow more than one saved run
- Tracking of stats
- notification system / running app in background
- use google maps api to show active location
- make it look presentable
- make it look good