This repository contains only the NLP component for the ASE paper which modifies English sentences using Stanford's NLP parser. We had replaced the old token based code clone detection tool that was described in the paper (SIM) with CloCom, which can be checked out from the following link:
The full paper is attached in this repository as ASE2013.pdf
You will have to download the Stack Overflow data dump:
Extract the 7z files to a folder.
Use "" to link the posts together. The script links each question to its answers.
Yoe have to modify the following variables in the script:
tag = "android"
targetFolder = "/home/edmund/research/autocomment/posts/android/"
postFile = "/home/edmund/research/autocomment/posts/stage1-raw/Posts.xml"
to extract the mappings between
the sentence and code segment.
The code segments are identified by the HTML tags.
See the OptionParser for further details on the options.
Sample Usage:
time python -m 1 -i /home/edmund/research/autocomment/posts/stage2-linked/java/ -o /home/edmund/research/autocomment/posts/stage3-extracted/javaBeforeAfter/
Users are expected to download Stanford CoreNLP 3.6.0:
Insert the given files into the extracted folder,
, for compilation.
Compile the program with the given Makefile.
The NLP component requires specific class path to run.
We had included
as an example.
Here is the command to use for processing a database. You will have to replace the folder names.
java -cp stanford-corenlp-3.6.0.jar:stanford-corenlp-3.6.0-models.jar:xom.jar:joda-time.jar:jollyday.jar:slf4j-api.jar:slf4j-simple.jar:ejml-0.23.jar:. CommentParser2 1 /home/edmund/research/autocomment/posts/stage3-extracted/java/ /home/edmund/research/autocomment/posts/stage4-nlpProcessed/java/
Here you will have to clone CloCom:
We had provided the configuration XMLs that we used
in our experiements under the folder called configurations
It contains all the settings for the clone detection tool, pruning heuristic and
comment selection technique.
You will have to change in the folder names in the XML files to suit your need.
./ config.xml