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Customizing Attributions

rthrd edited this page Nov 14, 2014 · 1 revision

When forwarding or replying to a message sup mentions the origin of the message by adding attributions to it.

The default attribution for forwarding is:

"--- Begin forwarded message from John Doe ---"

     headers and body of the message

"--- End forwarded message ---"

The forward attribution can be customized in the forward-attribution hook:

File: .sup/hooks/forward-attribution.rb
Generates the attribution for the forwarded message
(["--- Begin forwarded message from John Doe ---",
  "--- End forwarded message ---"])
  message: a message object representing the message being replied to
    (useful values include message.from.mediumname and
Return value:
  A list containing two strings: the text of the begin line and the text of the
end line

An example for a forward-attribution hook featuring a German custumization:

["--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von #{} ---",
 "--- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht ---"]

The default attribution for replies is:

"Excerpts from Joe Blogg's message of 1 Jan 1999:"

The attribution for replies can be customized in the attribution hook:

File: .sup/hooks/attribution.rb
Generates an attribution ("Excerpts from Joe Bloggs's message of Fri Jan 11
09:54:32 -0500 2008:").
  message: a message object representing the message being replied to
    (useful values include and
Return value:
  A string containing the text of the quote line (can be multi-line)

An example for an attribution hook featuring a Norwegian custumization:

"#{'%d. %b. %Y %H:%M')} skrev #{} følgende:"
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