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Matthieu Rakotojaona edited this page Jun 8, 2013 · 60 revisions


Sup is an email client written in Ruby, originally by William Morgan, but now maintained and developed by the Sup community.


Normally installing sup is as easy as:

gem install sup

If that does not work, please see below for platform specific instructions. Or you can refer to the general installation process.

Platform specific instructions

Note: We would like to encourage users of sup to contribute to and edit this wiki. If you discover erroneous information or if you use or configured sup in a way that may be valuable to others, please edit or add the information.

Basic Configuration and Getting Started

Configuring the way email leaves

Configuring the way email is retrieved

Advanced Usage

Experimental Features

Troubleshooting and Known Issues

Sup development



Future content

Importing mail from sources

Tutorial for new users how to import mails from their sources (tagging what's outbox and what's inbox and that I already read my 40000 mails) without having to do every single thing (selecting mail, hitting return and x to mark everything as read for instance) by hand would be really, really, really, really awesome.

Address Book / Contact List surfing

(A description of the formats and possible directives of each config file would be super handy)

Internal workings

"I'm nuts/interested and want to know how Sup does its searching/tagging thing"


Filtering spam

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