This protocol is thought to guide the Jenkins instance update for the Wikidata bots
- Python (3.8 was used in our case)
- pip:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pip
- Java (e.g.: Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK)) find at "Installation of Java"
Jenkins and virtualenv:
sudo pip install virtualenv
- Set up a Ghostbot in Jenkins with and check whether it produces results
- Set up Jenkins jobs in accordance to the original Wikibots (e.g.: with the Jenkins Import Plugin) and the desired GitHub repo
- make sure python version for virtualenv in the Jenkins Job's execute shell alings with the python version on the server
- check OS, commands like "source" needed to be changed to "."
- In case "virtualenv -p python38 venv" leads to permission errors, run:
cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/
sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins *