I do not own these sources. They came from the Samsung Open Source website. All of the rights to this code belong to Samsung.
To add these sources to an existing build (ROM, recovery, etc.), add the
following to .repo/local_manifests/wisdom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="eagerestwolf/android_kernel_samsung_wisdom" path="kernel/samsung/wisdom" remote="github" revision="android-9.0" />
Then run repo sync
to check it out.
To build only the kernel, edit the Makefile
and change CROSS_COMPILE
to point to your toolchain. Then:
make ARCH=arm64 exynos7885-wisdom_defconfig
make ARCH=arm64
To build as part of a ROM, recovery, etc:
// Instructions coming soon!
Device source: https://github.com/eagerestwolf/android_device_samsung_wisdom/