Wrapper around DataStore providing a higher level abstraction and additional functionality.
A simple example to show the basics - SimplePrefs.kt:
enum class AnEnum {
/** SimplePrefsSingleton(SimplePrefs.Companion::make, androidContext(), fileName) */
typealias SimplePrefsSingleton = PreferenceStoreSingleton<SimplePrefs>
interface SimplePrefs : PreferenceStore<SimplePrefs> {
val someBool: BoolPref
val someInt: IntPref
val anEnum: StorePref<String, AnEnum>
companion object {
fun make(storage: Storage): SimplePrefs = SimplePrefsImpl(storage)
private class SimplePrefsImpl(
storage: Storage
) : BasePreferenceStore<SimplePrefs>(storage), SimplePrefs {
override val someBool by preference(false)
override val someInt by preference(100)
override val anEnum by enumByNamePref(AnEnum.First)
SimplePrefs has 3 preferences defined, including an Enum preference, and implements a PreferenceStore parameterized by itself. It also defines a companion object function to instantiate the concrete implementation.
SimplePrefsImpl implements the SimplePrefs interface and subclasses BasePreferenceStore. BasePreferenceStore provides protected methods for creating all the primitive type preferences supported by DataStore, adds an Enum type preference, and provides functions for creating new preference types.
A typealias is defined to refer to a Singleton class which holds a single instance of SimplePrefs.
Using the PreferenceStore and preferences is straightforward:
private suspend fun setSomePrefs(simplePrefs: SimplePrefs) {
simplePrefs.anEnum(AnEnum.First) // commits the single preference anEnum
// commit preferences as a single unit
simplePrefs.edit {
it[someBool] = false
it[someInt] = 100
it[anEnum] = AnEnum.Another
An example of creating the Singleton inside a Koin module:
single(named("SimplePrefs")) {
maker = SimplePrefs.Companion::make,
context = androidContext(),
fileName = "SimplePrefs"
Injecting the Singleton inside an Activity:
private val simplePrefsSingleton: SimplePrefsSingleton by inject(qualifier = named("SimplePrefs"))
There are 2 ways to obtain the PreferenceStore instance from the Singleton, an instance() function and a inline invoke() function taking a lambda which is provided the instance.
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Obtaining the instance and setting preference values are suspend functions.
lifecycleScope.launch {
val prefs = simplePrefsSingleton.instance()
simplePrefsSingleton { simplePrefs ->
Each preference provides a Flow of its values. As the preference value is committed the value is emitted from the flow.
private suspend fun watchSimplePrefsInt(simplePrefs: SimplePrefs) {
simplePrefs.someInt.asFlow().collect {
println("SimplePrefs.someInt changed: ${simplePrefs.someInt()}")
It is easy to add other preference types. Only 2 functions are required: one function maps from the actual type to the stored type and the 2nd function converts from stored to actual. Here is an example of creating a base class adding types to be used.
value class Millis(val value: Long) : Comparable<Millis> {
override fun toString(): String = value.toString()
override operator fun compareTo(other: Millis): Int = value.compareTo(other.value)
companion object {
val ZERO = Millis(0)
value class Volume(val value: Int) : Comparable<Volume> {
override fun toString(): String = value.toString()
override fun compareTo(other: Volume): Int = value.compareTo(other.value)
companion object {
val OFF = Volume(0)
val HALF = Volume(50)
val FULL = Volume(100)
typealias VolumeRange = ClosedRange<Volume>
enum class DuckAction {
typealias MillisStorePref = StorePref<Long, Millis>
typealias VolumeStorePref = StorePref<Int, Volume>
open class BaseAppPrefStore<T : PreferenceStore<T>>(
storage: Storage
) : BasePreferenceStore<T>(storage) {
protected fun millisPref(
default: Millis,
customName: String? = null,
sanitize: ((Millis) -> Millis)? = null,
): MillisStorePref = asTypePref(default, ::Millis, { it.value }, customName, sanitize)
protected fun volumePref(
default: Volume,
customName: String? = null,
sanitize: ((Volume) -> Volume)? = null,
): VolumeStorePref = asTypePref(default, ::Volume, { it.value }, customName, sanitize)
Creating a preference requires a name, a default value, a function to map from stored to actual type, a function to map from actual to stored type, and an optional sanitize function. The sanitize function is called before the value is converted for storage and can accept, alter, or reject the value.
This is an example using the new base class and adding a Sanitize function to one of the preferences:
typealias AppPrefsSingleton = PreferenceStoreSingleton<AppPrefs>
* Define an interface for our preferences to facilitate injecting test stubs, managing
* dependencies, and to hide implementation details. Clients only need know about this interface.
interface AppPrefs : PreferenceStore<AppPrefs> {
val enableGroup: BoolPref // stores and provides Boolean
val lastScanTime: StorePref<Long, Millis> // stores Long, provides value class Millis
val duckAction: StorePref<String, DuckAction> // stored String, provides enum DuckAction
val duckVolume: StorePref<Int, Volume> // Stores Int, provides value class Volume
companion object {
val DUCK_VOLUME_RANGE: VolumeRange = Volume.OFF..Volume.FULL
/** Construct the AppPrefs implementation */
fun make(storage: Storage): AppPrefs = AppPrefsImpl(storage)
* Implement a BaseAppPrefStore, which we defined separately to include common types. We might
* have different PreferenceStores in the app, for example 1 for the entire app, 1 for a particular
* service, another for a difference service, etc. We would put all common preference
* specializations in a base class.
private class AppPrefsImpl(storage: Storage) : BaseAppPrefStore<AppPrefs>(storage), AppPrefs {
override val enableGroup by preference(true)
override val lastScanTime by millisPref(Millis.ZERO)
override val duckAction by enumByNamePref(DuckAction.Duck)
* This preference includes a Sanitize function where it coerces the value to be within the
* volume range. All preferences may have a Sanitize function to control what is stored (or
* rejected as invalid)
override val duckVolume by volumePref(Volume.HALF) {
A preference can be created for any type which can be converted to a supported primitive or String.
Ensure you are using the latest published version or the latest SNAPSHOT if you want a bleeding-edge version.
Suggestions and Pull Requests welcome. Also, if you have a question, or a proposed change, open an issue for discussion.