A. Acceleration seismogram
B. Spectrogram, PSD (dB rel. 1 (m/s^2)^2/Hz)
C. Spectrogram, PSD relative to median (rel. med.)
The sac file is: DR03-2016-0-xx_LHZ.sac
Save it to a folder and copy the full file path. For example: users/em/PROJECTS/ DR03-2016-0-xx_LHZ.sac
Paste the file path in Line 8 in between the ‘…’
• For example, this code file path reads: eval(['!/bin/ls ./Longfiles/DR01-2015-0-xx_',comp,'.sac > list.all'
• Your edited file path might look something like is: eval([‘users/em/PROJECTS/ DR03-2016-0-xx_LHZ.sac])
‘monthday.m’ , ‘load_sac.m’ , and ‘bookfonts.m’
Download these to the same folder you run this code from, or write an addpath line into this code.
For example: if the file monthday.m is located in the users/abc/projects directory, add this line to matlab script: addpath('/users/abc/projects');
Code written by Rick Aster, CSU, edited by Elisa McGhee, CSU.