A lot has changed since I started publishing preview versions of this a few months ago, but I think it's finally at the point where this birdie can leave the nest.
react-earthstar includes:
- Hooks to easily access and write data using the Earthstar protocol
- Earthbar — a thoughtfully designed, a11y focused Earthstar control centre you can drop into your app
- Pre-made components for common tasks such as switching workspaces, rendering display names, and signing in, and much much more
- Plenty of docs!
If you'd like to start digging in, head over to the README.
Want to see some apps with it running? Use the invitation code earthstar:///?workspace=+earthstardev.p7fa9&pub=https://earthstar-demo-pub-v5-a.glitch.me&v=1
in any of the apps below.
- earthstar-status - A status message (source)
- Twodays-crossing - An ephemeral RP chatroom (source)
I have had a lot of fun building this, and I hope you have just as much fun making things with it.
Special thanks go to @cinnamon-bun and @rbmntjs whose help made this release extra special, and whose friendship is invaluable to me.
If you're interested in learning more, come join our friendly community on the Earthstar Discord.