A retroshare client using ncurses
Just some features are avalable, come back later to if you want more.
You have to compile retroshare-ncurses like others retroshare client : http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/UnixCompile To do that, you have to place retroshare-ncurses directory in the retroshare development directory. You can get it with this command :
svn co https://retroshare.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/retroshare retroshare
Then you can go to the retroshare directory and compile the whole :
cd libbitdht/src qmake make cd ../../libretroshare/src qmake make cd ../../retroshare-ncurses/src qmake make
Finaly you can run retroshare-ncurses with:
./retroshare-ncurses Or ./retroshare-ncurses -U yourRetroshareUser