Kafka commandline message consumer specific to handle ESS flatbuffer messages of types
name description pl72 Run start 6s4t Run stop f142 Log data ev42 Event data x5f2 Status messages answ File-writer command response wrdn File-writer finished writing ADAr EPICS area detector data rf5k Forwarder configuration updates
Create virtual environment with Python 3.6 or later:
git clone https://github.com/ebadkamil/ess-message-consumer.git
cd ess-message-consumer
python3 -m venev {env_name}
Activate virtual environment and install ess-message-consumer
source {env_name}/bin/activate
pip install .
Start consuming ESS flatbuffer messages from given topics
start_consumer -b {broker_address} -t {topics_to_consume_msg_from} --rich_console -g {graylog_address} broker_address: for eg. "localhost:9092" topics_to_consume_msg_from: "topic_1, topic_2, ..." rich_console: optional for rich layout console. graylog_address (optional): Graylog server address for eg. "localhost:12201"
List all available topics on a broker
list_available_topics -b {broker_address}
Produce messages on a kafka-topic for debugging purposes:
start_producer -b {broker_address} # This will prompt you to input following information in order: # 1. Topic Name: {topic_name_to_publish_data_to} # 2. Message to send: {put your message here} # 3. Exit ? (y/n)