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Identifying Humans in Drone Footage from Local Beaches

This folder houses code and documents from my second capstone project with SpringBoard.
Completed Feb 2020 by Echelle Burns

Table of Contents: General Information

> Documents == contains reports and powerpoint presentations about the progress and results of this project

> requirements.txt == the packages and versions of packages that were installed in the virtual environment to run this model

> Data > raw == contains raw drone images
> Data > raw > resized == contains raw drone images resized to 960x540 pixels
> Data > raw > resized > with_people == contains resized drone images that include humans
> Data > raw > resized > with_people > splits == contains 25 images split from original resized images and converted to HSV
> Data > processed == contains labeled images that have ellipses around humans
> Data > processed > dots == contains labeled images with dots at human locations
> Data > processed > dots > with_people == contains labeled images from raw images with humans
> Data > processed > dots > with_people > splits == contains 25 images split from original labeled images

Table of Contents: Order of Execution

> Data_Processing == contains jupyter notebooks that were used to pre-process data
> Data_Processing > Labeling_Images == notebook that allows user to label humans in images, either by using ellipses to circle an entire human or by using dots to indicate the center of a human, also generates resized images
> Data_Processing > DataWrangling_PhotoContrasts == notebook that goes through different color scales for the drone images to see which might be best for model performance
> Data_Processing > DataWrangling_ImageSlicing == notebook that splits resized images into 25 smaller images for model ingestion, also converts images to HSV/grayscale

> Exploratory_Data_Analysis == contains jupyter ntoebooks that were used for EDA
> Exploratory_Data_Analysis > Descriptive_Statistics == notebook that sees how many images (split and full images) contain humans

> Neural_Network == contains jupyter notebooks used for exploration of different convolutional neural networks via brute force
> Neural_Network > Building_a_Model == the first notebook used to build a baseline generator and model
> Neural_Network > Model_Attempts_Log == the notebook that was used to go through a variety of different models with changes in the size and number of kernels, different colors of images, different color channels, and split vs full size images
> Neural_Network > Choosing_Models-Activator_Functions == notebook used to try different activator functions on the best performing model from Model_Attempts_Log with plots to assess convergence

> (do not need to run) == contains the data generator, is called in the file
> == runs the best fitting model to the dataset and has an early stopping in case the model reaches convergence before 50 epochs, saves the resulting model to a hd5 file and presents the convergence plot for the training and testing datasets
> model.hd5 == the resulting model generated from my local drive from the entire dataset
> balanced_model.hd5 == the resulting model generated from my local drive using a dataset balanced for equal numbers of images without people and images with people
> == example for how to load the hd5 model into your own drive

> Model_Evaluation == contains a notebook that plots the residuals of the models


Second capstone project using deep neural networks






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