Lyo 4.1.0
- [Core] Add a oslc:name and dcterms:description attributes to the ResourceShape class so that such information can appear in the shape documentation.
- [Core] Allow a resource shape to have a property to be represented as "inlined".
- [Domains] Add
module with POJOs needed by lyo.oslc-ui. - [UI] Support for displaying inlined properties as links.
- [Store] Add interface support for closing the Store cleanly and releasing underlying connections.
- [Store] SparqlStoreImpl can now be set up with a custom query executor.
- [Store] For update requests, avoid creating a String out of the SPARQL query. This is very inefficient for large queries.
- [Validation] Update SHaclEX from 0.0.87 to 0.1.102 (mainly due to Bintray shutdown; breaking change but should not affect the consumers of Lyo Validation).
- SHaclEX 0.1.102 depends on Jena 3.16, which requires us to upgrade.
- Lyo Validation returns more messages in the reports. Make sure your code logic scans all messages the report if you are looking for a specific error.
- Update Kotlin from 1.4.20 to 1.5.10
- Update Eclipse Paho from 1.2.1 to 1.2.5 due to a potential security vulnerability.
- Pin libthrift version to 0.14.1 due to a vulnerability.
- Pin httpclient version to 4.5.13 due to a vulnerability.
- Pin embedded Tomcat version (pulled in by Jena) to 8.5.66 due to CVE-2021-25329.
- All references to HTTP-only repos due to a change in Maven 3.8.1
- [Client] Support for Configuration Management was first added in 2.4 and was accidentally removed during the monorepo migration and the 4.0 release. PR #205 adds this support back. Thanks to @isccarrasco!
- [TRS] Fix a few issues around rdf:nil handling in the TRS Client.
- Make sure every Lyo dependency uses the same version of Guava (30.0).