- Install certificate file, it's in the root of my branch cacert.pem
- Change php.ini file to point to it. Change this option: curl.cainfo = "c:/wamp/www/ChinchillaThrilla/laravel/cacert.pem"
- Done. It should work now.
If you want to create a key for yourself, simply run this command: php artisan api-key:generate --user-id=1 where 1 is the userID you are tying that key to.
I've gone and created a way to give people API keys
The controller is called APIController... but that requires a special key. Only we should be able to give out keys.
Put all this in your wamp folder. To test the controllers, user these URI's:
- http://localhost:8000/
- http://localhost:8000/profile
- http://localhost:8000/about
The home page is using bootstrap, just wanted to show you that. I've commented everything. I show you how to include bootstrap using HTML helper. The profile page is also using bootstrap. Look over the master_page.blade.php to see how a master page works. That master page is then extended in the about.blade.php page. It extends the master page. That's all the code included. After you test it out, feel free to delete those files
- user_account.blade.php
- about.blade.php
Let me know if I can clarify anything... The rest of the files has not been touched, but I did want us to get up and running with the basics.