🇧🇷 Tradução em português
Custom scripts for Looker Studio connectors to e-com.plus APIs
Inspiration: https://apptivasoftware.com/blog/bringing-json-data-from-an-api-into-looker-studio/
Other references:
[1] https://github.com/davidtheweiss/Apps-Script-Season-15-Data-Studio-Service
[2] https://developers.google.com/looker-studio/connector/reference
[3] https://developers.e-com.plus/docs/reference/
[5] https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline-optimization/
- Create a project in Gclod
- Configure consent screen in Gcloud Project
- Create a Google appscript
- Connecting appscript to looker studio
Access the GCloud console
- Click select project
- Click New Project
- Set a name for your project and select the organization (optional)
- After creating the project, go to the search menu and search for "oauth" and select "OAuth consent screen"
- It is not necessary to select the User Type, proceed with the creation steps by filling in the mandatory data.
- OAuth consent screen
- Scopes
- Optional info
- Summary
- In the last step of creation click "back to dashboard"
- Then click on "Publish App"
- Go back to the Gcloud console home screen and copy the Project Number
With the same Gcloud project it is possible to create more than one Connector
In this example, we will create a connector that will fetch all orders from your store and return the following data: Order number, Order ID, document number, email, customer ID, amount (total, subtotal, freight, discount), loyalty points, status and items (product ID, sku, quantity, price, final price) - so that they can be manipulated by Looker Studio
To create other connectors, simply make the necessary changes to the appscript.json
and Code.gs
files (specifically in the schema
and the getData()
Let's go...
Access the appscript Google
- Click "New Project"
- Click "Project Settings"
- Enable "Show 'appscript.json' mainfest file in editor"
- In "Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project"
- Click "Change Project"
- Paste Project Number
- Click "Set Project"
- Go back to the "Editor" and select the "appscript.json" file
- Paste Code
"timeZone": "America/Sao_Paulo",
"dependencies": {},
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"runtimeVersion": "V8",
"dataStudio": {
"name": "Orders E-com Plus",
"company": "E-com Plus",
"logoUrl": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/60898319?s=200&v=4",
"addonUrl": "https://github.com/ecomplus/looker-studio-connectors",
"supportUrl": "https://github.com/ecomplus/looker-studio-connectors/issues",
"description": "Connector for E-com Plus API to get Orders"
P.S.: If it is another connector, make the necessary changes
- Save file
- Now select the file "code.gs" and paste the code
// Define the schema for the data structure of the connector
const schema = [
{ name: '_id', label: 'Order ID', dataType: 'STRING', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'number', label: 'Order Number', dataType: 'NUMBER', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'status', label: 'Status', dataType: 'STRING', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'buyers._id', label: 'Customer ID', dataType: 'STRING', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'buyers.main_email', label: 'Customer E-mail', dataType: 'STRING', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'buyers.doc_number', label: 'Customer CPF/CNPJ', dataType: 'STRING', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'amount.total', label: 'Order Total', dataType: 'NUMBER', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'amount.subtotal', label: 'Order SubTotal', dataType: 'NUMBER', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'amount.discount', label: 'Order Discount', dataType: 'NUMBER', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'amount.freight', label: 'Order Freight', dataType: 'NUMBER', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'items.product_id', label: 'Product ID', dataType: 'STRING', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'items.sku', label: 'Product SKU', dataType: 'STRING', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'items.quantity', label: 'Product Quantity', dataType: 'NUMBER', semantics: { conceptType: 'METRIC' } },
{ name: 'items.price', label: 'Product Price', dataType: 'NUMBER', semantics: { conceptType: 'METRIC' } },
{ name: 'items.final_price', label: 'Product Final Price', dataType: 'NUMBER', semantics: { conceptType: 'METRIC' } },
{ name: 'loyalty_points.name', label: 'Loyalty Points Name', dataType: 'STRING', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION' } },
{ name: 'loyalty_points.value', label: 'Loyalty Points Value', dataType: 'NUMBER', semantics: { conceptType: 'METRIC' } },
{ name: 'created_at', label: 'Created', dataType: 'STRING', semantics: { conceptType: 'DIMENSION', semanticType: 'YEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECOND'} },
// Return the defined schema to Data Studio
function getSchema(request) {
return { schema: schema }
const cc = DataStudioApp.createCommunityConnector()
// Base API endpoint
const BASE_URL = 'https://api.e-com.plus/v1'
function md5(inputString) {
return Utilities.computeDigest(Utilities.DigestAlgorithm.MD5, inputString)
.reduce((output, byte) => output + (byte & 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'), '')
function getAuthType() {
return cc.newAuthTypeResponse()
// Check if the current user has administrative privileges
function isAdminUser() {
return true
function resetAuth() {
var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties()
// userProperties.deleteProperty('dscc.key')
async function requestAuthEcomplus(authenticationId, apiKey, storeId) {
const body = {
_id: authenticationId,
api_key: apiKey
const options = {
payload: JSON.stringify(body),
headers: {
'x-store-id': storeId
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${BASE_URL}/_authenticate.json`, options)
function getUser() {
const userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties()
const authenticationId = userProperties.getProperty('ecom.authenticationId')
const apiKey = userProperties.getProperty('ecom.apiKey')
const storeId = userProperties.getProperty('ecom.storeId')
const accessToken = userProperties.getProperty('ecom.accessToken')
return {
async function isAuthValid() {
const {
} = getUser()
let accessToken = userProperties.getProperty('ecom.accessToken')
const expires = userProperties.getProperty('ecom.expires')
if (expires) {
const dateExpires = new Date(expires).getTime()
const now = new Date().getTime()
if (now > (dateExpires - 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) {
const resAuth = await requestAuthEcomplus(authenticationId, apiKey, storeId)
if (resAuth.getResponseCode() !== 200) {
return false
const responseAuth = JSON.parse(resAuth)
userProperties.setProperty('ecom.accessToken', responseAuth.access_token)
userProperties.setProperty('ecom.expires', responseAuth.expires)
accessToken = responseAuth.access_token
const headers = {
'x-store-id': storeId,
'x-my-id': authenticationId,
'x-access-token': accessToken
var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${BASE_URL}/authentications/me.json`, { headers, 'muteHttpExceptions': true })
return res.getResponseCode() === 200
} else {
return false
async function setCredentials(request) {
const rawUserParts = request.userPass.username.split(':')
let storeId = 0
let authUsername = ''
let authId = ''
if (rawUserParts.length === 2) {
storeId = Number(rawUserParts[0])
authId = rawUserParts[1]
} else {
authUsername = rawUserParts[0]
const rawPass = request.userPass.password
let authApiKey = storeId && rawPass.length === 128 ? rawPass : ''
const authPassMd5 = authApiKey ? '' : md5(rawPass);
let loginData
if (!authApiKey) {
const resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${BASE_URL}/_login.json`, {
payload: JSON.stringify({
username: authUsername,
pass_md5_hash: authPassMd5,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'x-store-id': storeId
if (resp.getResponseCode() !== 200) {
return cc.newSetCredentialsResponse()
loginData = JSON.parse(resp)
if (loginData) {
storeId = loginData.store_id
authId = loginData._id
authApiKey = loginData.api_key
var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties()
userProperties.setProperty('ecom.authenticationId', authId)
userProperties.setProperty('ecom.apiKey', authApiKey)
userProperties.setProperty('ecom.storeId', `${storeId}`)
const resAuth = await requestAuthEcomplus(authId, authApiKey, `${storeId}`)
if (resAuth.getResponseCode() !== 200) {
return cc.newSetCredentialsResponse()
const responseAuth = JSON.parse(resAuth)
userProperties.setProperty('ecom.accessToken', responseAuth.access_token)
userProperties.setProperty('ecom.expires', responseAuth.expires)
return cc.newSetCredentialsResponse()
function getConfig(request) {
function getData(request) {
if (isAuthValid()) {
const {
} = getUser()
const dataSchema = schema.reduce((init, current) => {
const isExist = request.fields.find(field => field.name === current.name)
if (isExist) {
return init
}, [])
const listOrdersUrl = BASE_URL + '/$aggregate.json'
const headers = {
'X-Access-Token': accessToken,
'X-Store-ID': storeId,
'X-My-ID': authenticationId
const body= {
"resource": "orders",
"pipeline": [
"$project": {
"number": 1,
"status": 1,
"buyers.doc_number": 1,
"buyers.main_email": 1,
"buyers._id": 1,
"amount": 1,
"loyalty_points": 1,
"items.product_id": 1,
"items.sku": 1,
"items.quantity": 1,
"items.price": 1,
"items.final_price": 1,
"created_at": 1
"$unwind": {
"path": "$items",
"preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
const options = {
payload: JSON.stringify(body),
method: 'POST'
const resAggregation = UrlFetchApp.fetch(listOrdersUrl, options)
const parseAggregation = JSON.parse(resAggregation)
const aggregation = parseAggregation.result
const rows = aggregation.map(order => {
const values = dataSchema.map(field => {
const fields = field.name.split('.')
const customer = order[fields[0]] && order[fields[0]].length && order[fields[0]][0][fields[1]]
return customer ? customer : (field.dataType === 'NUMBER' ? 0 : '')
const fields = field.name.split('.')
const loyaltyPoints = order[fields[0]]
const keys = Object.keys(loyaltyPoints)
return loyaltyPoints && keys && keys.length
? loyaltyPoints[keys[0]][fields[1]]
: field.dataType === 'NUMBER' ? 0 : ''
const fields = field.name.split('.')
const amount = order[fields[0]] && order[fields[0]][fields[1]]
return amount || 0
const fields = field.name.split('.')
const amount = order[fields[0]] && order[fields[0]][fields[1]]
return amount || 0
const dateString = order[field.name].split('T')
let date = dateString[0].replaceAll('-','')
date += dateString[1].split('.')[0].replaceAll(':','')
return date
return order[field.name] || typeof order[field.name] === 'number' ? order[field.name] : ''
return { values }
return {
schema: dataSchema,
return {
schema: [],
rows: []
P.S.: If it is another connector, make the necessary changes
- Save file
- To deploy the connector click on deploy
- Click "New Deployment"
- Click "Select Type"
- And select Add-on and Library
- Add a description
- And click "Deploy"
- Copy "Deploymnet ID"
Access the Looker Studio
- Click "Blank Report"
- Click "Add Data"
- Scroll the page to "Partner Connector" and wait for it to load, select "Build Your Own"
- Paste your "Deployment ID" and click "Validate"
- Select the connector
- Click "Authorize", then you will be redirected to the consent screen you initially created.
- As your app is private and not yet fully approved, this security screen will appear, just authorize your own app by clicking on "Advenced"
- And then "Go to your_app_name"
Finalize consent by clicking "Allow"
If everything goes well you will see a login screen for the created connector, here you will enter access credentials to your store at E-com Plus, and click "Submit"
- If your access is successful, click on "Add",
Your connector is installed in your "Report"
To create other connectors, repeat steps: