by: Etienne Deneault
App URL: GitHub Repository:
Game Start and Reset Buttons.
ColorPicker to choose custom piece color.
Computer Player Game Instance for solo play.
Scoreboad background color updated to represent players turn.
Dynamic DOM messaging.
Mark-up includes Nav Bar with the buttons and persisted value scoreboard. Nav Bar is collapsable.
Token drop is CSS Animated- vert-slide-in and star-spin.
Local Storage is uses to persist - shortest and longest game values in the scoreboard.
3D CSS EyeBall integrated into the background images for "large" viewports (above width: 1320px). @Media inquiries included to remove if the user viewport is to small to support "positioning".
Responsive Behavior - adapts to smaller viewports with the use of BootStrap4 classes and CSS @media inquiries.
Alignment of falling tokens is off on smaller screens. Needs furthey study to fix.
Adding difficulty settings by dynamically adjusting height and width values using user input.
Adding difficulty levels for Computer Play i.e. computer checking "close to winning" game states to determine where to place piece.
The code would benefit from utilizing more economical syntax/stucture code i.e. higher order functions and ES 2015 functions.
As mentionened, in the project hand-out, checkForWin() could be more efficient. Using a set of array-like collections for winning states and "close to winning" states in combination with some may enhance program functionality.
The process that I followed was the following:
- Game design reflection: functions needed and game logic.
- OO Unit 12 - Assignment step-by-step to build basic app functionality and mark-up using Object-Oriented programming.
- Refactoring of connect4 app from previous unit.
- Addition of "further study" features.
- Polishing of html and css
- Commenting and Documentation
Programing with an objet-oriented approach practical experience gained.
Game-Flow logic experience gained.
Experimented with 3d capabilities of css and got some practice with css positioning. (and it's limitations when designing for responsiveness)
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Google Font APi:
Color Picker Plug-In
Code Base provided by SpringBoard - Connect-four (Unit 11)
Eye Ball css was adapted from the code in the following article:
Background Image: (non-monitized use is explicitly stated as permitted)
Color Picker: