- webapp: change design of connect wallet button #1189 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: responsive design for connect wallet button #1189 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: clean cpu rows from the last year #1190 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: for mobile design the language selector is moved from header to the sidebar #1189 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add zoom and hide/show all options to cpu benchmark chart #1190 (Torresmorah)
Bug Fixes
- webapp: replace milliseconds to microseconds #1190 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: change duplicated sidebar icon and refactor CPU benchmark state #1190 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: minor text corrections #1189 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: runs the cleanup of the oldest cpu benchmarks every day #1190 (Torresmorah)