- hapi: return cpu and net average in getTransactions function #1226 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add cpu and net utilization to transaction per block history #1226 (Torresmorah)
Bug Fixes
- webapp: add historic transactions per second #1226 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: query the average of transactions instead of the sum #1226 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: increase interval to sync the stats #1226 (Torresmorah)
- workflows: add HAPI_SYNC_STATS_INTERVAL in the libre testnet configuration #1226 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: fix block history #1226 (Torresmorah)
- format code #1226 (Torresmorah)
Performance Improvements
- hasura: change the schema of the block_history table #1226 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: remove unused fields #1226 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: remove unused query #1226 (Torresmorah)
- hasura: remove id from block_history_by_producer function #1226 (Torresmorah)
- hasura: add net and cpu usage to Transaction type #1226 (Torresmorah)
- kubernetes: add env variables to the max cpu and net utilization config #1226 (Torresmorah)
- workflows: add max cpu and net utilization for libre testnet #1226 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: close ws connection if it is not ready when try to send a message #1226 (Torresmorah)