- workflows: enable evm dashboard routes for eos #1379 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add evm routes for eos in the sitemaps #1379 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add eos evm total wallets created #1381 (Torresmorah)
- workflows: use an object to set block explorer urls #1401 (Torresmorah)
- envs: use an object to set block explorer urls #1401 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: use an array of promises to sync old blocks #1386 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add route localization #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: change language selector to allow get the links and change language in html #1391 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: insert many txs and fix gas used by block #1390 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add alternate link in sitemaps to spanish version #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add files to korean and chinese translations #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add a sitemap per language #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add libre api, dashboard and explorer node types #1401 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add the language name in the selector #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: show a message when select a language with an incomplete translation #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add korean and chinese translations #1391 (Xavier Fernandez)
- webapp: update eoscr-components #1401 (Torresmorah)
Bug Fixes
- workflows: fix jungle evm explorer url #1381 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix evm block url #1381 (Torresmorah)
- workflows: fix xpr block explorer url #1401 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix load more when reverse table is active #1401 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: pass correct block explorer url #1401 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: check if the sync is complete using the first block inserted in the DB #1386 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: limit get result #1386 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix language selector alignment #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add the language before the path #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix hold ref in LocaleLink component #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: query in the first load and use it if subscription is not available #1393 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: fix undefined value #1394 (Torresmorah)
- hasura: fix evm stats view migration #1396 (Torresmorah)
- hasura: regenerate migration to get a partial ATH #1399 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix error when ATH blocks array is undefined #1399 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: avoid undefined additional nodes types #1401 (Torresmorah)
Code Refactoring
- webapp: split language files into separate folders #1391 (Torresmorah)
Performance Improvements
- hapi-evm: adapt apply function to listen for outgoing native token transfers #1375 (Leister Francisco Alvarado Campos)
- evm: set evm deployment for eosio #1375 (Leister Francisco Alvarado Campos)
- evm: update .env.local #1375 (Leister Francisco Alvarado Campos)
- evm: update hyperion endpoint #1375 (Leister Francisco Alvarado Campos)
- evm: add HASURA_GRAPHQL_ACTION_EVM_URL missing variable #1375 (Leister Francisco Alvarado Campos)
- hapi-evm: get the partial ATH when the old blocks are synchronizing and when it ends increase the timeout #1394 (Torresmorah)
- hasura: get the ath from the last 30 minutes instead of all blocks #1394 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: query the blocks to the partial ATH calculation #1400 (Torresmorah)
- update .env files to enable evm dashboard in eos #1379 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: update evm last block card with every request #1379 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add HAPI_EVM_NETWORK to env files #1379 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: remove wrong colors from dark theme #1401 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: set text color for producer names except the one producing #1384 (Torresmorah)
- hasura: add complete_at to evm param table #1386 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: use menu to change the language in mobile devices #1391 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: reduce the number of old blocks sync per round #1387 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add remove language from url #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: improve spanish translation #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: get the list of languages from the resources #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add xhtml namespace to sitemaps #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add priority to sitemaps #1391 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: update total of transactions after save them #1390 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: format code #1391 (Torresmorah)
- copy english languages files to make easier the translation #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add comments to import new translations #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: change the sitemaps folder structure #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: remove airwire #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add a script to generate the sitemaps for differents languages #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: add flag to update lastmod #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: remove airware logo #1391 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix code format #1391 (Torresmorah)
- workflows: update the EVM ATH every 15 minutes instead of every minute #1394 (Torresmorah)
- envs: update the EVM ATH every 15 minutes instead of every minute #1394 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: update ATH before save nextBlock to sync #1394 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: define sequelize pool configuration #1400 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: define sequelize pool configuration #1400 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: use aggregate to get the amount of producers #1400 (Torresmorah)
- hapi-evm: keep last block num inserted to avoid query it every round #1400 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: print the error when it doesn't have a message #1400 (Torresmorah)