- hapi: add a worker to retrieve the rewards in fio blockchain #1426 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: wait bps synchronization to synchronize fio rewards #1426 (Torresmorah)
Bug Fixes
- hapi: wait until new paid schedule is created #1426 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: fix minimum rewards on FIO blockchain #1426 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: fix minimum rewards on FIO blockchain #1426 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: validate if the last schedule time is not undefined #1428 (Torresmorah)
- hapi: fix next scheduleUpdate time #1428 (Torresmorah)
Continuous Integration
- fio-testnet: fix network name in hapi #1426 (Torresmorah)
- webapp: format code #1426 (Torresmorah)