This repository contains the code of the robot SIOC (Intelligent Container Organizer System), used for the participation of the Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia, in the Latin American Robotics Competition, in Rio Grande, Brasil
- Ubuntu 16.04
- ROS Kinetic
- Dynamixel ROS libraries:
ros-kinetic-dynamixel-controllers, ros-kinetic-dynamixel-driver, ros-kinetic-dynamixel-motor, ros-kinetic-dynamixel-msgs
- OpenCV 4.1.1
- PyQt
Create the workspace, clone the repository and build:
$ mkdir -p ~/ros/larc_ws/src
$ cd ~/ros/larc_ws/src/
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
To use, ensure to initialize the workspace:
$ cd ~/ros/larc_ws/
$ source devel/setup.bash
Ros core:
$ roscore
Motion nodes, it starts Dynamixel controllers and MoveIt model:
$ roslaunch larc_movement movement.launch
Motion nodes, it starts vision nodes and settings publishers:
$ roslaunch larc_vision larc_vision.launch
Finite States Machine, it starts the FSM node that controls the high level functions:
$ rosrun larc_control
To control the robot manually and visualize the camera image and masks, start the controller node:
$ rosrun larc_control
In order to adjust the vision settings, start the settings gui node:
$ rosrun larc_settings