Pentaho enforces coding standards and style through the CheckStyle project ( ).
CheckStyle will soon be integrated into our build system. Until that time, you'll need to configure your IDE using the instructions below to to ensure your contributions conform to the standard.
- Install CheckStyle plugin
- Configure the plugin to use the pentaho_checkStyle.xml; give it the raw github URL: (that will also dynamically retrieve the Pentaho suppressions.xml referenced in the checker)
- Configure the Eclipse Code Formatter to use the attached pentaho_formatter.xml
The Eclipse CheckStyle plugin documentation my be helpful:
- Install the CheckStyle-IDEA plugin. (available in the default public repository)
- Clone this repository to your machine.
- Set IDEA_JDK_64 environment variable to the installation directory of your Java 8 JDK
- Configure the CheckStyle-IDEA with pentaho_checkStyle_idea.xml (Preferences -> Other Settings -> CheckStyle).
- Set the samedir "Property Name" "Value" to ".".
- Copy the codeStyleSettings.xml into your IntelliJ project folder ( {{IdeaIntelliJProjectFolder}}/.idea/codeStyleSettings.xml). Overwrite if it's already there.
- Open IntelliJ, set the Project Settings -> Code Style -> Scheme to "Project"
CheckStyle Tips - Learn how to suppress CheckStyle modules for select areas.