Corelight Threat Hunting Guide SIGMA Pack - Added TH searches and dashboard to the splunk app
The included .conf and xml file will add the Corelight+SOC Prime splunk searches and dashboard to the splunk Corelight app.
Please follow the below instructions for installation:
- Make sure you have the splunk Corelight app or get it from
- Save the corelight_security_corelight_threat_hunting_guide_sigma_pack.xml file to Splunk\etc\apps\CorelightForSplunk\local\data\ui\views. Create the local\data\ui\views folders structure if does not exist already
- Append the content of savedsearches.conf to the savedsearches.conf file already in Splunk\etc\apps\CorelightForSplunk\local or just put it there is no savedsearches.conf file already exists.
- You should see the "Corelight Threat Hunting Guide SIGMA pack" under the "Security Workflows" menu of the app
Happy Hunting!