Vanda Engine 2.9.8
Vanda Engine 2.9.8 is available for download:
Official website:
What's new:
You can now change the near clip plane and far clip plane values of the physics camera attached to the main character through the Main Character Properties dialog ( Insert > Main Character > Properties button). Alternatively, you can use Camera Editor dialog (Modify > Camera) to edit these properties.
Added the following APIs:
- bool IsPrefabInstanceMaterialEnabled(string prefabInstanceName)
- SetPhysicsCameraNearClipPlane(float ncp)
- SetPhysicsCameraFarClipPlane(float fcp)
- double GetPhysicsCameraNearClipPlane()
- double GetPhysicsCameraFarClipPlane()
You can find the specification of these functions as well as their examples in the Scripting Reference Manual (please open Vanda Engine editor and go to Help > Scripting Reference Manual menu)