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@orbiting/backends Build Status Coverage Status

This repo contains all the backend code in use at Republik. For easier development the previously separate repos republik-backend, publikator-backend, assets-backend and backend-modules where merged into this monorepo.

For a guide on how to start the the frontends see: docs/how-to-run


This repo is devided between servers and packages.

  • servers: this directory contains runnable servers
  • packages: contains code shared between the servers

How to run / Development

1. Clone

git clone [email protected]:orbiting/backends.git && cd backends

2. Prerequisites

You must have Node.js (10+), yarn, docker and docker-compose installed (alternatively to docker you can install the external services natively).


The included docker-compose.yml starts all external-services. Currently that's: postgresql, redis, elasticsearch (and kibana). The data is persisted in ./docker-data/.

docker-compose up [-d]
Postgresql in docker

We recommend you install the postgresql client tools on your machine to interact with the database. The tests scripts also depend on the clients being installed.

# linux
sudo apt install postgresql-client-10

When postgresql in running in docker client tools like psql or createdb/dropdb don't automatically connect to it. They try to access postgresql via a local socket, when instead you want them to connect via network to localhost. To make your life easier, you can add the following environment variables to ~/.bashrc / ~/.zshrc so the client tools connect to localhost per default.

export PGHOST=
export PGUSER=postgres

alternativ: install natively

show more

As an alternative to docker(-compose) you can install the external-services natively:

On macOS with homebrew:

brew install postgresql redis nvm elasticsearch
nvm install 12
nvm alias default 12
npm install -g [email protected]
brew services start postgresql
brew services start redis
brew services start elasticsearch

Docker Kibana accessing an native Elasticsearch

docker run -p 5601:5601 -e ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=http://host.docker.internal:9200


  • Elasticsearch and Kibana versions must match, ckeck ES version at http://localhost:9200/
  • ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS must be accessible within docker.

2. ENVs

Copy the .env.example files to .env (in root and server/*/). The default values should be enough to get started.

cp .env.example .env
cp servers/republik/.env.example servers/republik/.env
cp servers/publikator/.env.example servers/publikator/.env
cp servers/assets/.env.example servers/assets/.env

3. Install

yarn install

4. Initialize

createdb republik
yarn run db:migrate:up
yarn run db:seed

5. Run

yarn run dev

This kicks on foreman which then launches all the servers locally. All servers greets you with Cannot GET / on the root route. The API servers have a graphical API explorer available at /graphiql:

Next steps

more about ENVs

In development environment variables are loaded from ./.env, ../../.env (in this order, relative to node's cwd). This is done with the help of backend-modules-env and enables you to define a .env file at the root of this repo for common variables and also store server specific envs at servers/*/.env. ./.env takes precedence over ../../.env because existing env variables are never overwritten. No ENV variabeles are loaded from any file in production, you yourself are responsible to set all required ENVs in the production environment.

Checkout .env.example, servers/republik/.env.example, servers/publikator/.env.example, servers/assets/.env.example for which ENVs are required and their descriptions. Check the packages' README for further config options.

You will quickly run into errors and limitations if you run with the example envs. You probably want to do the following three rather soon:

  1. Setup GitHub
    • GITHUB_* in the root .env
  2. MailChimp and Mandrill
    • MAILCHIMP_* in servers/republik/.env (less important)
  3. S3 Bucket
    • AWS_* in the root .env

Special setup: develop on two hosts

The following setup enables to start the servers (backends and republik-frontend) on one machine (A) and access it from another (B). This can come handy if you want to develop the backend on A and the app on B (where B can be a physical device).

Please not that due to how "Docker for Mac" works (docker is run in a hidden VM), it's not possible to bind containers to the host's network-interface, therefore this setup only works on linux.

Machine A (servers)

  1. Get the IP of your machine in the local network, use it in the next step as LOCAL_IP
ip addr
  1. Adapt hostnames in the environment variables:
  • in backends/.env

  • in backends/servers/republik/.env
  • in republik-frontend/.env
  1. Start the DNS-Server and reverse proxy:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-test-network.yml up [-d]
  • bind: You now have a DNS server running locally. It resolves all requests of *.republik.test to LOCAL_IP.
  • traefik: routes requests based on SNI (check: traefik.toml)
    • http://republik.test -> http://localhost:3010
    • http://api.republik.test -> http://localhost:5000
  1. Run backend services with docker (in backends/):
docker-compose up [-d]
  1. Refresh published articles, due to changed ASSETS_SERVER_BASE_URL (in backends/):
yarn run pull:elasticsearch
  1. Run the backend servers (in backends/):
yarn run dev
  1. Run the frontend server (in republik-frontend/):
npm run dev
  1. Test You should be able to access http://api.republik.test/graphiql and http://republik.test

Machine B (app)

  1. To resolve the hostnames:
  • Find the IP of Machine A, let's say its
  • change your network config to use this IP as your DNS resolver.
  1. Adapt hostnames in the environment variables (in app/
  1. Test

You should be able to access http://api.republik.test/graphiql and http://republik.test

  1. Setup simulators/emulators

At least the android emulator doesn't use the hosts dns resolver

  • configure the DNS resolver manually (see step 1) inside the simulator
  • test in the webbrowser that http://republik.test is accessible.
  • run the app as usual (in app/)
yarn run run-android


The source code and it's documentation is licensed under GNU AGPLv3+.