Create a stack
Create an incoming webhook in slack
- Go to your slack application and select your team on the top left corner as shown:
- You will find a popup Menu and you’ll want to click on Manage Apps.
- You will then want to select custom integrations on the left and Incoming Webhooks.
- Select the slack channel that you’d like to post messages to with this new incoming web hook. An example would be #general.
- Press the button to add the incoming web hook at the bottom of the page.
- Copy the new Webhook URL so we can use it as input in our CloudFormation template.
Use the CloudFormation service to execute the gd2slack.template in this repository
- You will add your incoming web hook as the first parameter cloudformation/_cim.yml
- Add the slack channel as a parameter - example #general
- Add the minimum severity - example HIGH would only send high severity findings, LOW sends all findings
- Run make apply
In order to pass parameter to cloudformation do not edit the template, but instead modify the _cim.yml configuration file located in the cloudformation/ directory.
version: 0.1
name: guardDutyToSlackNotifier
file: g2s.yaml
bucket: cim-stacks-upload
IncomingWebHookURL: ''
SlackChannel: '#general'
MinSeverityLevel: 'LOW'
app: guardDutyToSlackNotifier
owner: DevSecOps
env: prod
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- MIT license
- Copyright 2019 © devsecnull.
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