This component can be used to call statically an instance of MessageSource
This can be used on classes non managed by spring.
This component can be used to get statically the server address
This return a server full URL containing the scheme + the server host + port (if is not the 80) and the context name (when have). This can be used on classes non managed by spring.
Supporting a custom HQL function called FILTER()
Report generator implemented by JasperReportManager
Supported methods:
public ByteArrayOutputStream exportToPDF( Map<String, Object> parameters, String reportPath );
public ByteArrayOutputStream exportToHTML( Map<String, Object> parameters, String reportPath );
public ByteArrayOutputStream exportToXML( Map<String, Object> parameters, String reportPath );
public ByteArrayOutputStream exportToXLS( Map<String, Object> parameters, String reportPath );
Enum constants for 450 mimetypes.
mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true