- Sensors Bldg
- Eagle Conference Rm (Email Evelyn J. Boettcher for passes)
- October 4, 2016
- From 1200-1300
Move beyond presenting location specific data in Excel to interactive maps.
Excel: Before Tutorial | Web Map: After Tutorial |
By leveraging the hard and creative work from other people (eg Fork their code), you can move beyond spreadsheets to web maps with very little web software skill.
- ReHash Repo (this repo - master branch)
- ReHash Workshop Website
- ReHash DEMO
- Origninal Workshop Website
- Origninal Project repo
- Introductions
- Introduction to Web Mapping
- Introduction to Leaflet
- Development Environment Setup
- Making a Map
- Base Maps
- Markers
- Pop Ups
- Plugins
- Marker Clustering
- Awesome Markers
- Civic Hacking & CfD
- Data Sources - CfD data sources, open data
- Workshop
- Pick a data set and make a map!
- People on hand to assist
- Team up or work solo
- Please bring a RDT&E laptop to work on. (not needed, but it might be nice)
- Text Editor for Web Development.
- Python and Chrome installed
- Passing knowledge of HTML and CSS would be helpful
- Code already cloned (if following along)
This list is a work in progress. Please submit a pull request with your favorite resources!
- geojson.io to create geojson file
- https://github.com/caesar0301/awesome-public-datasets
- https://www.data.gov/
- http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2016/02/12/big-data-35-brilliant-and-free-data-sources-for-2016
- http://www.poi-factory.com
- http://www.daytonohio.gov/daytonopendata
- http://www.cityofdayton.org/departments/pcd/Pages/CensusInformation.aspx
Code for Dayton, Dayton Data Visualization, Girl Develop It
Saturday, September 10th, 2016 10:00am - 2:00pm