Minimal Alpine based Gitlab CI Multi Runner container that supports docker-in-docker builds
Start helper container with
socket:Important: container runs in privileged mode, for security consequences see:
docker run --restart always --privileged --name some-docker -d docker:dind
Configure new GitLab CI Runner, config file will be stored at volume location:
docker run -it --rm -v /srv/my-ci-runner-config:/gitlab-config ejharmsma/gitlab-ci-multi-runner register
And fill in the registration questions. Or for example in unattended mode:
docker run -it --rm -v /srv/config:/gitlab-config ejharmsma/gitlab-ci-multi-runner register -n --name MY_RUNNER_NAME -u -r MY_REGISTER_TOKEN --executor docker --docker-image busybox
Start runner in background (and link to dockerd container of step 1)
docker run -v /srv/my-ci-runner-config:/gitlab-config --restart always -d --link some-docker:docker ejharmsma/gitlab-ci-multi-runner