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Failing test: Serverless Security Functional Tests - Common Group 3.x-pack/test_serverless/functional/test_suites/common/visualizations/group2/open_in_lens/agg_based/heatmap·ts - Visualizations - Group 2 lens app - Agg based Vis Open in Lens Heatmap should convert to Lens if Y-axis is defined, but X-axis is not #274538

Failing test: Serverless Security Functional Tests - Common Group 3.x-pack/test_serverless/functional/test_suites/common/visualizations/group2/open_in_lens/agg_based/heatmap·ts - Visualizations - Group 2 lens app - Agg based Vis Open in Lens Heatmap should convert to Lens if Y-axis is defined, but X-axis is not

Failing test: Serverless Security Functional Tests - Common Group 3.x-pack/test_serverless/functional/test_suites/common/visualizations/group2/open_in_lens/agg_based/heatmap·ts - Visualizations - Group 2 lens app - Agg based Vis Open in Lens Heatmap should convert to Lens if Y-axis is defined, but X-axis is not #274538

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