[7.17] Upgrade mocha to 10.3.0 (#203500) #203947
checks-reporter / X-Pack Chrome Functional tests / Group 25
Dec 12, 2024 in 37m 29s
node scripts/functional_tests --bail --kibana-install-dir /opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/bk-agent-prod-gcp-1734040139526433622/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack --include-tag ciGroup25
hook: global before each for "400s when missing description"
└- ✓ pass (25ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "400s when missing description"
└-> 400s when missing tags
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "400s when missing tags"
└- ✓ pass (26ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "400s when missing tags"
└-> 400s if you passing status for a new case
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "400s if you passing status for a new case"
└- ✓ pass (26ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "400s if you passing status for a new case"
└-> 400s if the title is too long
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "400s if the title is too long"
└- ✓ pass (26ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "400s if the title is too long"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "400s if the title is too long"
└-: rbac
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "returns a 403 when attempting to create a case with an owner that was from a disabled feature in the space"
└-> returns a 403 when attempting to create a case with an owner that was from a disabled feature in the space
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns a 403 when attempting to create a case with an owner that was from a disabled feature in the space"
└- ✓ pass (224ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "returns a 403 when attempting to create a case with an owner that was from a disabled feature in the space"
└-> User: security solution only - should create a case
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User: security solution only - should create a case"
└- ✓ pass (1.5s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User: security solution only - should create a case"
└-> User: security solution only - should NOT create a case of different owner
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User: security solution only - should NOT create a case of different owner"
└- ✓ pass (30ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User: security solution only - should NOT create a case of different owner"
└-> User global_read with role(s) global_read - should NOT create a case
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User global_read with role(s) global_read - should NOT create a case"
└- ✓ pass (30ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User global_read with role(s) global_read - should NOT create a case"
└-> User sec_only_read with role(s) sec_only_read - should NOT create a case
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User sec_only_read with role(s) sec_only_read - should NOT create a case"
└- ✓ pass (28ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User sec_only_read with role(s) sec_only_read - should NOT create a case"
└-> User obs_only_read with role(s) obs_only_read - should NOT create a case
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User obs_only_read with role(s) obs_only_read - should NOT create a case"
└- ✓ pass (29ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User obs_only_read with role(s) obs_only_read - should NOT create a case"
└-> User obs_sec_read with role(s) sec_only_read,obs_only_read - should NOT create a case
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User obs_sec_read with role(s) sec_only_read,obs_only_read - should NOT create a case"
└- ✓ pass (29ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User obs_sec_read with role(s) sec_only_read,obs_only_read - should NOT create a case"
└-> User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges - should NOT create a case
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges - should NOT create a case"
└- ✓ pass (26ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges - should NOT create a case"
└-> should NOT create a case in a space with no permissions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should NOT create a case in a space with no permissions"
└- ✓ pass (23ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should NOT create a case in a space with no permissions"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should NOT create a case in a space with no permissions"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "post_case"
└-: resolve_case
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should resolve a case with no comments"
└-> should resolve a case with no comments
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should resolve a case with no comments"
└- ✓ pass (1.8s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should resolve a case with no comments"
└-> should resolve a case with comments
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should resolve a case with comments"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should resolve a case with comments"
└-> should return a 400 when passing the includeSubCaseComments
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return a 400 when passing the includeSubCaseComments"
└- ✓ pass (26ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return a 400 when passing the includeSubCaseComments"
└-> unhappy path - 404s when case is not there
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "unhappy path - 404s when case is not there"
└- ✓ pass (30ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "unhappy path - 404s when case is not there"
└-: rbac
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should resolve a case"
└-> should resolve a case
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should resolve a case"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should resolve a case"
└-> should resolve a case with comments
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should resolve a case with comments"
└- ✓ pass (3.9s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should resolve a case with comments"
└-> should not resolve a case when the user does not have access to owner
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not resolve a case when the user does not have access to owner"
└- ✓ pass (2.1s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not resolve a case when the user does not have access to owner"
└-> should NOT resolve a case in a space with no permissions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should NOT resolve a case in a space with no permissions"
└- ✓ pass (1.9s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should NOT resolve a case in a space with no permissions"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should NOT resolve a case in a space with no permissions"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "unhappy path - 404s when case is not there"
└-: get_reporters
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return reporters"
└-> should return reporters
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return reporters"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return reporters"
└-> should return unique reporters
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return unique reporters"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return unique reporters"
└-: rbac
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "User: security solution only - should read the correct reporters"
└-> User: security solution only - should read the correct reporters
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User: security solution only - should read the correct reporters"
└- ✓ pass (4.1s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User: security solution only - should read the correct reporters"
└-> User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1 - should NOT get all reporters
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1 - should NOT get all reporters"
└- ✓ pass (1.9s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1 - should NOT get all reporters"
└-> User sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2 - should NOT get all reporters
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2 - should NOT get all reporters"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2 - should NOT get all reporters"
└-> should respect the owner filter when having permissions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should respect the owner filter when having permissions"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should respect the owner filter when having permissions"
└-> should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return unique reporters"
└-: get_status
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return case statuses"
└-> should return case statuses
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return case statuses"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return case statuses"
└-: rbac
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return the correct status stats"
└-> should return the correct status stats
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return the correct status stats"
└- ✓ pass (4.1s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return the correct status stats"
└-> should return a 403 when retrieving the statuses when the user no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return a 403 when retrieving the statuses when the user no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1"
└- ✓ pass (1.9s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return a 403 when retrieving the statuses when the user no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1"
└-> should return a 403 when retrieving the statuses when the user sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return a 403 when retrieving the statuses when the user sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return a 403 when retrieving the statuses when the user sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return a 403 when retrieving the statuses when the user sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return case statuses"
└-: get_tags
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return case tags"
└-> should return case tags
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return case tags"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return case tags"
└-> should return unique tags
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return unique tags"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return unique tags"
└-: rbac
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should read the correct tags"
└-> should read the correct tags
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should read the correct tags"
└- ✓ pass (4.1s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should read the correct tags"
└-> User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1 - should NOT get all tags
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1 - should NOT get all tags"
└- ✓ pass (1.9s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1 - should NOT get all tags"
└-> User sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2 - should NOT get all tags
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2 - should NOT get all tags"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2 - should NOT get all tags"
└-> should respect the owner filter when having permissions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should respect the owner filter when having permissions"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should respect the owner filter when having permissions"
└-> should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return unique tags"
└-: get_all_user_actions
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "on new case, user action: 'create' should be called with actionFields: ['description', 'status', 'tags', 'title', 'connector', 'settings, owner]"
└-> on new case, user action: 'create' should be called with actionFields: ['description', 'status', 'tags', 'title', 'connector', 'settings, owner]
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "on new case, user action: 'create' should be called with actionFields: ['description', 'status', 'tags', 'title', 'connector', 'settings, owner]"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "on new case, user action: 'create' should be called with actionFields: ['description', 'status', 'tags', 'title', 'connector', 'settings, owner]"
└-> on close case, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['status']
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "on close case, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['status']"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "on close case, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['status']"
└-> on update case connector, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['connector']
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "on update case connector, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['connector']"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "on update case connector, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['connector']"
└-> on update tags, user action: 'add' and 'delete' should be called with actionFields: ['tags']
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "on update tags, user action: 'add' and 'delete' should be called with actionFields: ['tags']"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "on update tags, user action: 'add' and 'delete' should be called with actionFields: ['tags']"
└-> on update title, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['title']
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "on update title, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['title']"
└- ✓ pass (3.9s)
└-> "after each" hook for "on update title, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['title']"
└-> on update description, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['description']
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "on update description, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['description']"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "on update description, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['description']"
└-> on new comment, user action: 'create' should be called with actionFields: ['comments']
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "on new comment, user action: 'create' should be called with actionFields: ['comments']"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "on new comment, user action: 'create' should be called with actionFields: ['comments']"
└-> on update comment, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['comments']
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "on update comment, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['comments']"
└- ✓ pass (6.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "on update comment, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['comments']"
└-: rbac
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should get the user actions for a case when the user has the correct permissions"
└-> should get the user actions for a case when the user has the correct permissions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should get the user actions for a case when the user has the correct permissions"
└-> "before each" hook for "should get the user actions for a case when the user has the correct permissions"
└- ✓ pass (121ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should get the user actions for a case when the user has the correct permissions"
└-> should 403 when requesting the user actions of a case with user no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should 403 when requesting the user actions of a case with user no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1"
└-> "before each" hook for "should 403 when requesting the user actions of a case with user no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1"
└- ✓ pass (24ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should 403 when requesting the user actions of a case with user no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1"
└-> should 403 when requesting the user actions of a case with user sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should 403 when requesting the user actions of a case with user sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2"
└-> "before each" hook for "should 403 when requesting the user actions of a case with user sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2"
└- ✓ pass (24ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should 403 when requesting the user actions of a case with user sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should 403 when requesting the user actions of a case with user sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "on update comment, user action: 'update' should be called with actionFields: ['comments']"
└-: get_configure
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return an empty find body correctly if no configuration is loaded"
└-> should return an empty find body correctly if no configuration is loaded
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return an empty find body correctly if no configuration is loaded"
└- ✓ pass (23ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return an empty find body correctly if no configuration is loaded"
└-> should return a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return a configuration"
└-> should get a single configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should get a single configuration"
└- ✓ pass (5.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should get a single configuration"
└-> should return by descending order
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return by descending order"
└- ✓ pass (5.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return by descending order"
└-: rbac
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return the correct configuration"
└-> should return the correct configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return the correct configuration"
└- ✓ pass (4.1s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return the correct configuration"
└-> User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1 - should NOT read a case configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1 - should NOT read a case configuration"
└- ✓ pass (1.9s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges and space space1 - should NOT read a case configuration"
└-> User sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2 - should NOT read a case configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2 - should NOT read a case configuration"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User sec_only with role(s) sec_only_all and space space2 - should NOT read a case configuration"
└-> should respect the owner filter when having permissions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should respect the owner filter when having permissions"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should respect the owner filter when having permissions"
└-> should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return the correct cases when trying to exploit RBAC through the owner query parameter"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return by descending order"
└-: patch_configure
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should patch a configuration"
└-> should patch a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should patch a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (3.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should patch a configuration"
└-> should update mapping when changing connector
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should update mapping when changing connector"
└- ✓ pass (4.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should update mapping when changing connector"
└-> should not patch a configuration with unsupported connector type
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not patch a configuration with unsupported connector type"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not patch a configuration with unsupported connector type"
└-> should not patch a configuration with unsupported connector fields
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not patch a configuration with unsupported connector fields"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not patch a configuration with unsupported connector fields"
└-> should handle patch request when there is no configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should handle patch request when there is no configuration"
└- ✓ pass (38ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should handle patch request when there is no configuration"
└-> should handle patch request when versions are different
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should handle patch request when versions are different"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should handle patch request when versions are different"
└-> should not allow to change the owner of the configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not allow to change the owner of the configuration"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not allow to change the owner of the configuration"
└-> should not allow excess attributes
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not allow excess attributes"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not allow excess attributes"
└-: rbac
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "User: security solution only - should update a configuration"
└-> User: security solution only - should update a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User: security solution only - should update a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (3.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User: security solution only - should update a configuration"
└-> User: security solution only - should NOT update a configuration of different owner
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User: security solution only - should NOT update a configuration of different owner"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User: security solution only - should NOT update a configuration of different owner"
└-> User global_read with role(s) global_read - should NOT update a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User global_read with role(s) global_read - should NOT update a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User global_read with role(s) global_read - should NOT update a configuration"
└-> User sec_only_read with role(s) sec_only_read - should NOT update a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User sec_only_read with role(s) sec_only_read - should NOT update a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User sec_only_read with role(s) sec_only_read - should NOT update a configuration"
└-> User obs_only_read with role(s) obs_only_read - should NOT update a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User obs_only_read with role(s) obs_only_read - should NOT update a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User obs_only_read with role(s) obs_only_read - should NOT update a configuration"
└-> User obs_sec_read with role(s) sec_only_read,obs_only_read - should NOT update a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User obs_sec_read with role(s) sec_only_read,obs_only_read - should NOT update a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User obs_sec_read with role(s) sec_only_read,obs_only_read - should NOT update a configuration"
└-> User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges - should NOT update a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges - should NOT update a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges - should NOT update a configuration"
└-> should NOT update a configuration in a space with no permissions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should NOT update a configuration in a space with no permissions"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should NOT update a configuration in a space with no permissions"
└-> should NOT update a configuration created in space2 by making a request to space1
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should NOT update a configuration created in space2 by making a request to space1"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should NOT update a configuration created in space2 by making a request to space1"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should NOT update a configuration created in space2 by making a request to space1"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should not allow excess attributes"
└-: post_configure
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should create a configuration"
└-> should create a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should create a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should create a configuration"
└-> should keep only the latest configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should keep only the latest configuration"
└- ✓ pass (5.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should keep only the latest configuration"
└-> should return an empty mapping when they type is none
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return an empty mapping when they type is none"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return an empty mapping when they type is none"
└-> should return the correct mapping for Jira
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return the correct mapping for Jira"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return the correct mapping for Jira"
└-> should return the correct mapping for IBM Resilient
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return the correct mapping for IBM Resilient"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return the correct mapping for IBM Resilient"
└-> should return the correct mapping for ServiceNow ITSM
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return the correct mapping for ServiceNow ITSM"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return the correct mapping for ServiceNow ITSM"
└-> should return the correct mapping for ServiceNow SecOps
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return the correct mapping for ServiceNow SecOps"
└- ✓ pass (2.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should return the correct mapping for ServiceNow SecOps"
└-> should not create a configuration when missing connector.id
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not create a configuration when missing connector.id"
└- ✓ pass (25ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not create a configuration when missing connector.id"
└-> should not create a configuration when missing connector.name
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not create a configuration when missing connector.name"
└- ✓ pass (21ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not create a configuration when missing connector.name"
└-> should not create a configuration when missing connector.type
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not create a configuration when missing connector.type"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not create a configuration when missing connector.type"
└-> should not create a configuration when missing connector.fields
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not create a configuration when missing connector.fields"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not create a configuration when missing connector.fields"
└-> should not create a configuration when when missing closure_type
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not create a configuration when when missing closure_type"
└- ✓ pass (21ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not create a configuration when when missing closure_type"
└-> should not create a configuration when missing connector
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not create a configuration when missing connector"
└- ✓ pass (23ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not create a configuration when missing connector"
└-> should not create a configuration when fields are not null
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not create a configuration when fields are not null"
└- ✓ pass (22ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not create a configuration when fields are not null"
└-> should not create a configuration with unsupported connector type
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not create a configuration with unsupported connector type"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not create a configuration with unsupported connector type"
└-> should not create a configuration with unsupported connector fields
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not create a configuration with unsupported connector fields"
└- ✓ pass (23ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should not create a configuration with unsupported connector fields"
└-: rbac
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "returns a 403 when attempting to create a configuration with an owner that was from a disabled feature in the space"
└-> returns a 403 when attempting to create a configuration with an owner that was from a disabled feature in the space
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns a 403 when attempting to create a configuration with an owner that was from a disabled feature in the space"
└- ✓ pass (37ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "returns a 403 when attempting to create a configuration with an owner that was from a disabled feature in the space"
└-> User: security solution only - should create a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User: security solution only - should create a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (1.7s)
└-> "after each" hook for "User: security solution only - should create a configuration"
└-> User: security solution only - should NOT create a configuration of different owner
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User: security solution only - should NOT create a configuration of different owner"
└- ✓ pass (38ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User: security solution only - should NOT create a configuration of different owner"
└-> User global_read with role(s) global_read - should NOT create a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User global_read with role(s) global_read - should NOT create a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (29ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User global_read with role(s) global_read - should NOT create a configuration"
└-> User sec_only_read with role(s) sec_only_read - should NOT create a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User sec_only_read with role(s) sec_only_read - should NOT create a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (36ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User sec_only_read with role(s) sec_only_read - should NOT create a configuration"
└-> User obs_only_read with role(s) obs_only_read - should NOT create a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User obs_only_read with role(s) obs_only_read - should NOT create a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (57ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User obs_only_read with role(s) obs_only_read - should NOT create a configuration"
└-> User obs_sec_read with role(s) sec_only_read,obs_only_read - should NOT create a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User obs_sec_read with role(s) sec_only_read,obs_only_read - should NOT create a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (81ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User obs_sec_read with role(s) sec_only_read,obs_only_read - should NOT create a configuration"
└-> User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges - should NOT create a configuration
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges - should NOT create a configuration"
└- ✓ pass (74ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "User no_kibana_privileges with role(s) no_kibana_privileges - should NOT create a configuration"
└-> should NOT create a configuration in a space with no permissions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should NOT create a configuration in a space with no permissions"
└- ✓ pass (25ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should NOT create a configuration in a space with no permissions"
└-> it deletes the correct configurations
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "it deletes the correct configurations"
└- ✓ pass (3.6s)
└-> "after each" hook for "it deletes the correct configurations"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "it deletes the correct configurations"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should not create a configuration with unsupported connector fields"
└-: case_connector
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return 400 when creating a case action"
└-> should return 400 when creating a case action
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return 400 when creating a case action"
└- ✓ pass (30ms)
└-> should return 200 when creating a case action successfully
└-: create
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when creating a case without title
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when creating a case without description
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when creating a case without tags
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when creating a case without connector
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when creating jira without issueType
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when creating a connector with wrong fields
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when creating a none without fields as null
└-> should create a case
└-> should create a case with connector with field as null if not provided
└-: update
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when updating a case without id
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when updating a case without version
└-> should update a case
└-: addComment
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when adding a comment to a case without caseId
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when missing attributes of type user
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when missing attributes of type alert
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when adding excess attributes for type user
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when adding excess attributes for type alert
└-> should respond with a 400 Bad Request when adding a comment to a case without type
└-> should add a comment of type user
└-> should add a comment of type alert
└-: adding alerts using a connector
└-> should add a comment of type alert
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return 200 when creating a case action successfully"
└-: patch_sub_cases disabled route
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└-> should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└- ✓ pass (23ms)
└-: patch_sub_cases
└-> should update the status of a sub case
└-> should update the status of one alert attached to a sub case
└-> should update the status of multiple alerts attached to a sub case
└-> should update the status of multiple alerts attached to multiple sub cases in one collection
└-> should update the status of alerts attached to a case and sub case when sync settings is turned on
└-> 404s when sub case id is invalid
└-> 406s when updating invalid fields for a sub case
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└-: delete_sub_cases disabled routes
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└-> should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-: delete_sub_cases
└-> should delete a sub case
└-> should delete a sub case's comments when that case gets deleted
└-> unhappy path - 404s when sub case id is invalid
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└-: get_sub_case disabled route
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└-> should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└- ✓ pass (21ms)
└-: get_sub_case
└-> should return a case
└-> should return the correct number of alerts with multiple types of alerts
└-> unhappy path - 404s when case is not there
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└-: find_sub_cases disabled route
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└-> should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└- ✓ pass (24ms)
└-: create case connector
└-: basic find tests
└-> should not find any sub cases when none exist
└-> should return a sub cases with comment stats
└-> should return multiple sub cases
└-> should only return open when filtering for open
└-> should only return closed when filtering for closed
└-> should only return in progress when filtering for in progress
└-> should sort on createdAt field in descending order
└-> should sort on createdAt field in ascending order
└-> should sort on updatedAt field in ascending order
└-: pagination
└-> returns the correct total when perPage is less than the total
└-> returns the correct total when perPage is greater than the total
└-> returns the correct total when perPage is equal to the total
└-> returns the second page of results
└-> paginates with perPage of 2 through 4 total sub cases
└-> retrieves the last sub case
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return a 404 when attempting to access the route and the case connector feature is disabled"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "Common"
└-: Common migrations
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "Common migrations"
└-: migrations
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "migrations"
└-: 7.10.0 -> latest stack version
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "migrates cases connector"
└-> "before all" hook for "migrates cases connector"
└-> migrates cases connector
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "migrates cases connector"
└- ✓ pass (24ms)
└-> migrates cases settings
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "migrates cases settings"
└- ✓ pass (19ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "migrates cases settings"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "migrates cases settings"
└-: 7.11.1 -> latest stack version
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "adds rule info to only alert comments for 7.12"
└-> "before all" hook for "adds rule info to only alert comments for 7.12"
└-> adds rule info to only alert comments for 7.12
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "adds rule info to only alert comments for 7.12"
└- ✓ pass (35ms)
└-> adds category and subcategory to the ITSM connector
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "adds category and subcategory to the ITSM connector"
└- ✓ pass (22ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "adds category and subcategory to the ITSM connector"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "adds category and subcategory to the ITSM connector"
└-: 7.13.2
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "7.13.2"
└-> "before all" hook in "7.13.2"
└-: owner field
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "adds the owner field"
└-> adds the owner field
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "adds the owner field"
└- ✓ pass (17ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "adds the owner field"
└-: migrating connector id to a reference
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "preserves the connector id after migration in the API response"
└-> preserves the connector id after migration in the API response
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "preserves the connector id after migration in the API response"
└- ✓ pass (17ms)
└-> preserves the connector fields after migration in the API response
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "preserves the connector fields after migration in the API response"
└- ✓ pass (17ms)
└-> removes the connector id field in the saved object
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "removes the connector id field in the saved object"
└- ✓ pass (4ms)
└-> preserves the external_service.connector_id after migration in the API response
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "preserves the external_service.connector_id after migration in the API response"
└- ✓ pass (17ms)
└-> preserves the external_service fields after migration in the API response
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "preserves the external_service fields after migration in the API response"
└- ✓ pass (16ms)
└-> removes the connector_id field in the saved object
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "removes the connector_id field in the saved object"
└- ✓ pass (4ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "removes the connector_id field in the saved object"
└-> "after all" hook in "7.13.2"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "7.13.2"
└-: 7.16.0
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "7.16.0"
└-> "before all" hook in "7.16.0"
└-: resolve
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return exactMatch outcome"
└-> should return exactMatch outcome
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return exactMatch outcome"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> should preserve the same case info
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should preserve the same case info"
└- ✓ pass (27ms)
└-> should preserve the same connector
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should preserve the same connector"
└- ✓ pass (34ms)
└-> should preserve the same external service
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should preserve the same external service"
└- ✓ pass (24ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should preserve the same external service"
└-> "after all" hook in "7.16.0"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "7.16.0"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "migrations"
└-: migrations
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "migrations"
└-: 7.11.0
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "7.11.0 migrates cases comments"
└-> "before all" hook for "7.11.0 migrates cases comments"
└-> 7.11.0 migrates cases comments
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "7.11.0 migrates cases comments"
└- ✓ pass (16ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "7.11.0 migrates cases comments"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "7.11.0 migrates cases comments"
└-: 7.13.2
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "adds the owner field"
└-> "before all" hook for "adds the owner field"
└-> adds the owner field
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "adds the owner field"
└- ✓ pass (19ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "adds the owner field"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "adds the owner field"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "migrations"
└-: migrations
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "migrations"
└-: 7.10.0
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "7.10.0 migrates configure cases connector"
└-> "before all" hook for "7.10.0 migrates configure cases connector"
└-> 7.10.0 migrates configure cases connector
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "7.10.0 migrates configure cases connector"
└- ✓ pass (28ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "7.10.0 migrates configure cases connector"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "7.10.0 migrates configure cases connector"
└-: 7.13.2
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "7.13.2"
└-> "before all" hook in "7.13.2"
└-: owner field
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "adds the owner field"
└-> adds the owner field
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "adds the owner field"
└- ✓ pass (26ms)
└-> adds the owner field to the connector mapping
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "adds the owner field to the connector mapping"
└- ✓ pass (5ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "adds the owner field to the connector mapping"
└-: migrating connector id to a reference
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "preserves the connector id after migration in the API response"
└-> preserves the connector id after migration in the API response
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "preserves the connector id after migration in the API response"
└- ✓ pass (29ms)
└-> preserves the connector fields after migration in the API response
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "preserves the connector fields after migration in the API response"
└- ✓ pass (26ms)
└-> removes the connector id field in the saved object
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "removes the connector id field in the saved object"
└- ✓ pass (4ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "removes the connector id field in the saved object"
└-> "after all" hook in "7.13.2"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "7.13.2"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "migrations"
└-: migrations
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "migrations"
└-: 7.10.0
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "7.10.0 migrates user actions connector"
└-> "before all" hook for "7.10.0 migrates user actions connector"
└-> 7.10.0 migrates user actions connector
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "7.10.0 migrates user actions connector"
└- ✓ pass (28ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "7.10.0 migrates user actions connector"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "7.10.0 migrates user actions connector"
└-: 7.13.2
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "adds the owner field"
└-> "before all" hook for "adds the owner field"
└-> adds the owner field
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "adds the owner field"
└- ✓ pass (32ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "adds the owner field"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "adds the owner field"
└-: 7.13 connector id extraction
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "7.13 connector id extraction"
└-> "before all" hook in "7.13 connector id extraction"
└-: none connector case
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "removes the connector id from the case create user action and sets the ids to null"
└-> removes the connector id from the case create user action and sets the ids to null
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "removes the connector id from the case create user action and sets the ids to null"
└- ✓ pass (29ms)
└-> sets the connector ids to null for a create user action with null new and old values
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "sets the connector ids to null for a create user action with null new and old values"
└- ✓ pass (1ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "sets the connector ids to null for a create user action with null new and old values"
└-: case with many user actions
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "removes the connector id field for a created case user action"
└-> "before all" hook for "removes the connector id field for a created case user action"
└-> removes the connector id field for a created case user action
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "removes the connector id field for a created case user action"
└- ✓ pass (3ms)
└-> removes the connector id from the external service new value
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "removes the connector id from the external service new value"
└- ✓ pass (2ms)
└-> sets the connector ids to null for a comment user action
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "sets the connector ids to null for a comment user action"
└- ✓ pass (1ms)
└-> removes the connector id for an update connector action
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "removes the connector id for an update connector action"
└- ✓ pass (2ms)
└-> removes the connector id from the external service new value for second push
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "removes the connector id from the external service new value for second push"
└- ✓ pass (1ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "removes the connector id from the external service new value for second push"
└-> "after all" hook in "7.13 connector id extraction"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "7.13 connector id extraction"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "migrations"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "Common migrations"
└-> "after all" hook in "cases security and spaces enabled: trial"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "cases security and spaces enabled: trial"
│364 passing (17.0m)
│78 pending
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [ftr] [.kibana_7.17.27_001/f0kTnGvlTOKG-OXHUDbTjA] update_mapping [_doc]
│ proc [kibana] log [22:31:41.045] [info][plugins-system][standard] Stopping all plugins.
│ proc [kibana] log [22:31:41.047] [info][kibana-monitoring][monitoring][monitoring][plugins] Monitoring stats collection is stopped
│ proc [kibana] log [22:31:41.049] [info][eventLog][plugins] event logged: {"@timestamp":"2024-12-12T22:31:41.049Z","event":{"provider":"eventLog","action":"stopping"},"message":"eventLog stopping","ecs":{"version":"1.8.0"},"kibana":{"server_uuid":"5b2de169-2785-441b-ae8c-186a1936b17d","version":"7.17.27"}}
│ info [kibana] exited with null after 1093.7 seconds
│ info [es] stopping node ftr
│ info [o.e.x.m.p.NativeController] [ftr] Native controller process has stopped - no new native processes can be started
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] stopping ...
│ info [o.e.x.w.WatcherService] [ftr] stopping watch service, reason [shutdown initiated]
│ info [o.e.x.w.WatcherLifeCycleService] [ftr] watcher has stopped and shutdown
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] stopped
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] closing ...
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] closed
│ info [es] stopped
│ info [es] no debug files found, assuming es did not write any
│ info [es] cleanup complete