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WARNING: ECSCM-Git has been deprecated and is no longer supported. It has been replaced by IMPORTANT: This plugin is deprecated, please use a new one — Git plugin, GitHub plugin, and Bitbucket plugin.

Git is a distributed revision control system distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server.

The Git plugin connects the Git source control server to CloudBees CD/RO to enable:

  • Code checkouts

  • Preflight build

  • Continuous integration

Refer to the Git technical documentation for more information.


Run gradlew to compile the plugin

Integrated version

This plugin was developed and tested with Git version

Plugin configuration

Plugin configurations are sets of parameters that apply across some or all the plugin’s procedures. They are intended to reduce repetition of common values, create predefined sets of parameters for end users, and to securely store credentials where needed. Each configuration is given a unique name that is entered in designated parameters on procedures that use them.

Configuration parameters

Parameter Description

SCM Type

Select the SCM Type, in this case "Git". (Required)


Provide a unique name for the configuration, keeping in mind that you may need to create additional configurations over time. (Required)


You can supply a text description only for your reference. CloudBees CD/RO does not use this information.

User Name

Provide the username CloudBees CD/RO uses to communicate with the Git server.


Password and Retype Password: Provide the password for the specified User Name.

Private Key

Enter the SSH Private Key for the git repository.


Plugin procedures


Collects reporting data from Git repository and sends it to CloudBees CD/RO reporting server.

Procedure configuration parameters

Parameter Description

Configuration name

The name of the configuration that contains the information required to connect to Repository.

Preview Mode

This mode is provided to let a user perform a WHAT IF analysis before enabling automatic reporting. If this mode is set, no metadata will be set and reports will be not be sent to the Reporting Server. Instead detailed information about each object retrieved from SonarQube that includes transformation, mapping and payload, will be shown in the summary logs.

Remote Repository

The path or URL to the repository to pull from, e.g.

Remote Branch

Name of the git branch to use. Default will be master.

Starting commit

SHA of the earliest commit from which data needs to be collected. Needs to be setup only for the first run.

File Prefix

If provided, matching string will be removed from file path before sending report. For example if file path is /opt/repo/file1, file prefix = /opt/repo will resolve it to /file1. Similarly file prefix = /opt/repo/ will resolve it to file1.

Field Mapping

Allows user to place custom fields to payload, or modify payload values. Examples: "MyApplication":codeCommit.releaseName - map value "MyApplication" to code_commit report releaseName field. Defaults to:

commit.commitDate: codeCommit.commitDate,
commit.scmUrl: codeCommit.scmUrl,
commit.scmRepoBranch: codeCommit.scmRepoBranch,
commit.commitId: codeCommit.commitId,,
commit.commitMessage: codeCommit.commitMessage,
commit.codeLinesAdded: codeCommit.codeLinesAdded,
commit.codeLinesUpdated: codeCommit.codeLinesUpdated,
commit.codeLinesRemoved: codeCommit.codeLinesRemoved,
commit.filesAdded: codeCommit.filesAdded,
commit.filesUpdated: codeCommit.filesUpdated,
commit.filesRemoved: codeCommit.filesRemoved,
# CodeCommitFile section
commit.scmUrl: codeCommitFile.scmUrl,
commit.scmRepoBranch: codeCommitFile.scmRepoBranch,
commit.commitId: codeCommitFile.commitId,
commit.sourceUrl: codeCommitFile.sourceUrl,
commitFile.filePath: codeCommitFile.filePath,
commitFile.codeLinesAdded: codeCommitFile.codeLinesAdded,
commitFile.codeLinesUpdated: codeCommitFile.codeLinesUpdated,
commitFile.codeLinesRemoved: codeCommitFile.codeLinesRemoved

Transform Script

Allows user to provide perl script for payload customization. This method will be invoked by plugin with 2 parameters. 1st parameter is context object, 2nd is payload object. Method should be named "transform", and should return payload object. In this example myTimestamp field will be added to payload object:

sub transform {
    my ($context, $payload) = @_;
    # $payload->{codeCommit}->{customField1} = $context->one();

    # for my $p (@{$payload->{codeCommitFile}}) {
    #    $p->{customField2} = $context->one();
    # }
    return $payload;
sub one {
    my ($context) = @_;
    return time();

Metadata Property Path

Property sheet where run metadata will be stored. Optional field. If omited, /mySchedule/ECSCM-Git-%JobName%-%Report Object Type% will be used for schedule contest. For all other contexts root is /myProject.

Commit URL Template

Template for a commit URL to be included in the report. Available substitutions:

Pattern Substitution


Repository URL as given in "Remote Repository"


Repository URL as given in "Remote Branch"


Commit hash

File URL Template

Template for a specific file URL to be included in the report. Available substitutions:

Pattern Substitution


Repository URL as given in "Remote Repository"


Repository URL as given in "Remote Branch"


Commit hash


File name and path relative to the repository root

Include File Details

If set, the report will include file details.


If set, the summary logs will be written with the highest verbosity for the entire procedure.



Download a private copy of the latest version of the project, i.e. a working copy in our computer.

Parameter Description


The name of a saved SCM configuration. (Required)

Destination Directory

Indicate the path where the source tree will be created (can be relative to the job’s workspace).

Commit Hash

The Commit Hash to update the index. Note: This will move the HEAD.

Remote Branch

The name of the Git branch to use. i.e.: experimental.


This option will clone a repo into a newly created directory.


This option will overwrite a repository if it already exists.


Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of revisions.


Provide the name of a specific tag to checkout after the clone command.

Remote Repository

The path or URL to the repository to pull from. i.e.: git://server/repo.git.



Sentry schedule

This procedure is used for Continuous Integration. This will monitor the repository to discover whether something changed, and trigger a preconfigured procedure.

Parameter Description

Remote Repository

If specified, the local repository will be updated from the remote repository before the git log command. i.e.: git://server/repo.git.

Local Repository

The directory of the local repository.


The name of the Git branch to use. i.e.: experimental.(Required)

Quiet time minutes

The number of minutes of no check-in activity required before launching the procedure.

Use ls-remote

If checked, it will use the Git option ls-remote to check for new changes.

You may use this option to avoid full pulls and increase the performance.

Note: If you enable this option the sentry will ignore the "Quiet time minutes" parameter and execute procedures every time there is a new change.

Enabled for ElectricSentry

Enable this schedule for ElectricSentry.

Run Schedule Even if Another Instance is Running

If checked, the schedule will be launched even if the another instance of this schedule is already running. By default it will skip a new run (this was done in order to deal with series of commits).


Preflight (agent side)

This will execute the agent side of the preflight.

Parameter Description

Configuration Name

The name of a saved SCM configuration. (Required)

Destination Directory

Indicate the path where the source tree will be created (can be relative to the job’s workspace).

Remote Repository

The path or URL to the repository that preflight will pull from before overlaying files. (Required)


Preflight (client side)

This will execute the client part of the preflight.

These parameters can be set in the .preflight file, or passed directly to the ecclientpreflight tool.

Parameter Description


The value of GITUSER. May also be set in the environment or using git set.


The value of GITPASSWORD. May also be set in the environment or using git set.


The value of GITCLIENT.May also be set in the environment or using git set. (Required)


The Git directory to process. (Required)


The type of preflight to run. Values are:

  1. local_all: get tracked and untracked changes between working tree and local repo.

  2. local_tracked: get tracked changes between working tree and local repo.

  3. remote: get all changes between working tree and remote repo.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


General information pertaining to Webhook Triggers can be found in the Event-Based Triggers section of CloudBees CD/RO Documentation. This section provides information on what is required in the plugin configuration for a Webhook trigger.

GitHub webhook

A Pipeline or Release can be triggered by GitHub webhook.

In order to configure GitHub Webhook Trigger:

  • Create a new trigger for Pipeline or Release

  • Choose previously created configuration for ECSCM-Git plugin

  • Choose "Webhook" trigger type

  • Fill all the required fields

Webhook Secret: if you are using a secret in your Webhook configuration, this secret can be provided when creating plugin configuration:


Parameter Description

Repository Name

Repository name, e.g. user/repository. Should be provided in form <user-name>/<repository-name> or <org-name>/<repository-name>.

Event Type

Type of event. For now only push event is supported.

Event Source

The source of the event. For now only GitHub and Bitbucket are supported.


Name of the branch to trigger webhook, e.g. master.

Run Schedule Even if Another Instance is Running

If checked, the schedule will be launched even if another instance of this schedule is already running.

Quiet Time

How many seconds should CloudBees CD/RO wait before launching the schedule?

Maximum Retries

How many times the schedule launch will be postponed?


Bitbucket webhook

A Pipeline or Release can be triggered by Bitbucket webhook.

In order to configure Bitbucket Webhook Trigger:

  • Create a new trigger for Pipeline or Release

  • Choose previously created configuration for ECSCM-Git plugin

  • Choose "Webhook" trigger type

  • Fill all the required fields

Webhook Secret: a secret is not used by Bitbucket Webhook.

Parameter Description

Repository Name

Repository name, e.g. user/repository. Should be provided in form <user-name>/<repository-name> or <org-name>/<repository-name>.

Event Type

Type of event. For now only push event is supported.

Event Source

The source the of event. For now only GitHub and Bitbucket are supported.


Name of the branch to trigger webhook, e.g. master.

Run Schedule Even if Another Instance is Running

If checked, the schedule will be launched even if another instance of this schedule is already running.

Quiet Time

How many seconds should CloudBees CD/RO wait before launching the schedule?

Maximum Retries

How many times the schedule launch will be postponed?


ACL setup for webhook

The service account created by default may not have all the permissions required to trigger a pipeline based on a Webhook. The following DSL is provided as an example to set up the necessary permissions for a service account to work with a Webhook trigger.

// Set ACL
// Change accountName, pipelineName and projectName values
// according to your trigger webhook setup
def accountName = "sampleServiceAccountName"
def pipelineName = "samplePipelineName"
def projectName = "Default"

def properties = [

properties.each { property ->
    aclEntry readPrivilege: 'allow',
        path: property,
        principalName: accountName,
        objectType: 'propertySheet',
        principalType: 'serviceAccount'

aclEntry readPrivilege: 'allow',
    projectName: '/plugins/ECSCM/project',
    principalName: accountName,
    objectType: 'project',
    principalType: 'serviceAccount'

aclEntry modifyPrivilege: 'allow',
    projectName: '/plugins/ECSCM/project',
    principalName: accountName,
    objectType: 'project',
    principalType: 'serviceAccount'

aclEntry executePrivilege: 'allow',
    projectName: '/plugins/ECSCM/project',
    principalName: accountName,
    objectType: 'procedure',
    principalType: 'serviceAccount',
    procedureName: 'ProcessWebHookSchedules'

aclEntry readPrivilege: 'allow',
    systemObjectName: 'server',
    principalName: accountName,
    objectType: 'systemObject',
    principalType: 'serviceAccount',
    procedureName: 'ProcessWebHookSchedules'

def ecscmProjectName = getPlugin(pluginName: 'ECSCM')?.project?.projectName

aclEntry modifyPrivilege: 'allow',
    readPrivilege: 'allow',
    objectType: 'propertySheet',
    path: '/server/ec_counters',
    principalName: 'project: ' + ecscmProjectName,
    principalType: 'user'

aclEntry modifyPrivilege: 'allow',
    readPrivilege: 'allow',
    objectType: 'propertySheet',
    path: '/server/ec_counters',
    principalName: accountName,
    principalType: 'serviceAccount'

//Grant permissions to the plugin project
def objTypes = ['resources', 'workspaces'];

objTypes.each { type ->
    aclEntry principalType: 'user',
        principalName: "project: " + ecscmProjectName,
        systemObjectName: type,
        objectType: 'systemObject',
        readPrivilege: 'allow',
        modifyPrivilege: 'allow',
        executePrivilege: 'allow',
        changePermissionsPrivilege: 'allow'

// Grant permissions to the pipeline
 aclEntry executePrivilege: 'allow',
     projectName: projectName,
     principalName: accountName,
     objectType: 'pipeline',
     principalType: 'serviceAccount',
     pipelineName: pipelineName


If the job’s outcome is successful, updates a last successful snapshot property to the revision used in the job.

Parameter Description

The configuration name

The name of the configuration that contains the information required to connect to Repository.

This procedure should be called in the last step after "CheckoutCode".

For instance, the first step "checkout" (CheckoutCode) clones the repository and fills up the property sheet "/myJob/ecscm_snapshots".

The last step "update" (updateLastGoodAndLastCompleted) copies data from the property sheet "/myJob/ecscm_snapshots" to the properties "/myProcedure/ecscm_snapshots/lastCompleted" and "/myProcedure/ecscm_snapshots/lastGood".

Examples and use cases

Configure a checkout

In the create step pop-up, select the tab "SCM", from this tab select the "Git - Checkout" type and click OK


Fill the form, in this example we are using a configuration called "GIT config" and a remote repository in a remote server named "[email protected]".


The procedure now should look like this one, you can run now.


If everything was properly set now you should see something like this.


If you see everything green, the procedure worked fine, so you can now take a look at the logs. If you click on the log, for the CheckOutMethod subprocedure "runMethod", you will see something like this.



Configuring the preflight

In the "Procedure Details" where the steps are created, in the "New Step" section, select the plugin link and then search "ECSCM-Git - Preflight" and select it from the list.


Provide the Git configuration that you want to use, we chose GIT config. Select a destination directory and remote repository.


The procedure should look like this.


Running the preflight

From the command line use the "ecclientpreflight" tool to run a preflight. In this example we used the option -c to use the configuration file called "Git.preflight", if the file is named ".preflight" you don’t need to specify a name.


The "ecclientpreflight" tool will ask for the user and password included in the "Git.preflight" file, then you will see how it copies all the files in the changelist to the server, and launches the preflight procedure that we created earlier.


If you go to the CloudBees CD/RO jobs tab, you will see our recently launched job.


In the preflight step, you will see the runMethod substep, check the log for this substep.


Configuring a sentry schedule form

In the project, select the "schedules" tab, then in the pop-up select the "SCM" type.


Select a step name, in this case we used "Components-sentry", also select a Git configuration. Then you should select the procedure that will be run when the sentry is triggered. In this case we chose the project "runWithSentry" and the procedure name inside the project called "runWithSentry"


After that you should fill the form, to inform the sentry monitor, which client we need to monitor. In this example we want to monitor the branch "experimental", this means that every time that something change in the repository, specifically in the branch "experimental", the sentry will trigger our "runWithSentry" procedure.


The schedule should look like this.


If something changes in the client "bundled-components" the sentry monitor will display something like this if you select the job from the jobs tab.


This is the log of the sentry monitor, it says that a job was started by the schedule "Components-Sentry" in the "Git" project.


The runWithSentry job, should be visible now from the jobs tab.


Known issues

  • In situations other than Normal Running mode, i.e., one of Preview or Debug is enabled, the CollectReportingData could return the summary status of an error just based on certain patterns found in logging. For example, a commit message that says "Fixed Segmentation Fault.." could return the summary status of error. However, in all these cases, except for the summary status, the procedure would perform its intended action correctly.

Release notes

ECSCM-Git 3.12.4

  • Migrated to community.

ECSCM-Git 3.12.2

  • Fixed an issue with missing property credentialType during upgrade.

  • The documentation has been migrated to the main documentation site.

ECSCM-Git 3.12.1

  • Rebranding to "CloudBees CD/RO".

ECSCM-Git 3.12.0

  • Support added for BitBucket Webhook.

ECSCM-Git 3.11.1

  • The previous version has a bug in Preflight functionality related to the extra modules loading from the eclientpreflight CLI "Can’t locate in @INC". The imports have been removed and the preflight CLI has been fixed.

ECSCM-Git 3.11.0

  • Added "Overwrite" switch for the CheckoutCode procedure.

ECSCM-Git 3.10.0

  • Switched CheckoutCode procedure from GWT to React.

  • Fixed issue with single changelog link for multiple checkouts from multiple repositories in one single procedure.

  • Changelogs were switched to pre-generated HTML pages and stored in the artifacts in the job workspace.

ECSCM-Git 3.9.1

  • Renaming to "CloudBees".

  • Issue when the form did not load properly in pipeline context has been fixed.

  • Wrong required formal parameters count display during task definition in pipeline for CollectReportingData has been fixed.

ECSCM-Git 3.9.0

  • GitHub Webhook support has been added.

  • Option "Run Schedule Even if Another Instance is Running" has been added for Sentry schedules.

ECSCM-Git 3.8.1

  • CollectReportingData procedure now does not report file details by default

  • CollectReportingData procedure now has an option "Include File Details" to include file details in the report

  • CollectReportingData procedure now supports templates for file and commit URLs

  • Logo icon has been added.

ECSCM-Git 3.8.0

  • A new procedure called CollectReportingData has been added in order to support predictive analytics.

ECSCM-Git 3.7.4

  • Fixed UI page rendering hang on editing plugin parameters in case GitRepo parameter is missed.

ECSCM-Git 3.7.3

  • Added committer’s email in changelog.

  • Fix branch name validation in driver.

  • Fix client preflight for local_all method.

  • Fix error with changelog generation when multiple Checkout step called with different branches from procedure.

  • Added Clone option to preflight and CI procedures.

ECSCM-Git 3.7.2

  • Added correct behavior for ssh:// repositories handling.

ECSCM-Git 3.7.1

  • Added cleanupHandler method for new ECSCM hook mechanism.

ECSCM-Git 3.7.0

  • Add SSH private key authentication (Linux agents only).

ECSCM-Git 3.6.0

  • Add a depth option to the CheckoutCode procedure for use in git clone.

  • Change the input field for the repositories field in the CheckoutCode procedure to a text area.

  • Fixed a bug in git changelog. The changelog will contain all changes between two sentry builds.

  • The CheckoutCode procedure now creates a link to the changelog in the Links section on the Job Details page.

ECSCM-Git 3.5.0

  • Mask passwords in all git command output (STDOUT and STDERR).

  • Fix bug where repositories like [email protected]:foo/bar.git caused partial commands to be printed.

  • Fixed bug where selecting Use ls-remote for sentry resulted in a git pull. If you wish to perform a git pull during CI or need the ecscm_changelogs property, deselect this option.

  • Fixed bug where the CheckoutCode procedure retrieved code to the root directory regardless of any user input.

ECSCM-Git 3.3.0

  • Fixed bug in CheckoutCode procedure where cloning a repository by tag passed the tag as a branch.

ECSCM-Git 3.2.0

  • Fixed bug where the plugin was ignoring errors when running git commands and relying on postp to catch errors.

  • Allow clone to work with git versions prior to 1.6.2.

ECSCM-Git 3.1.2

  • Improve logs in sentry procedure.

  • ecscm_changelogs property is set when using the ls-remote option in sentry procedure.

ECSCM-Git 3.1.1

  • Improves to "Tag" and "Commit Hash" validations for multiple repositories.

  • Added the "Tag" parameter with the pull option.

ECSCM-Git 3.1.0

  • Added the possibility to use "clone" instead of "pull" to perform checkout.

  • Added the "Tag" parameter with the clone option.

  • Added the "Commit Hash" parameter to provide the Git "reset" option.

ECSCM-Git 3.0.0

  • Multiple git repositories is now possible in the checkout procedure.

ECSCM-Git 2.0.8

  • With some git urls the plugin was unable to inject credentials in the git pull command.

ECSCM-Git 2.0.7

  • Fixed bug when running the sentry with the ls-remote option.

  • Changelogs were improved.

ECSCM-Git 2.0.6

  • Add branch names validation.

ECSCM-Git 2.0.5

  • Step chooser name cleanup

ECSCM-Git 2.0.4

  • Included the Preflight step.

ECSCM-Git 2.0.3

  • Improves to the help page document.

  • The "ls-remote" parameter was added to the Sentry Schedule.

  • Fixed issue with the "git log" command with a different branch than "master"

ECSCM-Git 2.0.2

  • Improve xml parameter panels.

  • New help page format.

ECSCM-Git 1.2.2

  • Updated help page

ECSCM-Git 1.2.1

  • Small bug fixes

ECSCM-Git 1.2.0

  • Implements updateLastGoodAndLastCompleted procedure

  • Support for changelog

ECSCM-Git 1.1.3

  • Updated help page

ECSCM-Git 1.1.2

  • Added credentials

ECSCM-Git 1.1.1

  • SCM features - Sentry

  • SCM features - Checkout

  • SCM features - Preflight


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