- Do initial deploy without additional options
- Do upgrade deploy with changed settings via additional options.
What can be controlled described in controls.
- Use wrong image.tag to fail promotion
- Use not existing option to fail helm install
BlueGreen strategy
controls :
image.tag=0,1 or 0,2
promotion.auto=true or false
promotion.seconds=~ or number in seconds
scaledown.abortseconds=30 in seconds
Canary with multiple pauses. Indefinite and several timed
controls :
image.tag=blue or green
Canary with pause.
controls :
image.tag=0,1 or 0,2
pause.duration=~ or 'duration: number' in seconds, e.g. 'duration: 30' (space after : is important)
Canary with indefinite pause and weight set to 30
controls :
image.tag=0,1 or 0,2
pause.duration=~ or 'duration: number' in seconds, e.g. 'duration: 30' (space after : is important)