Note: works with java 7 and 8 (not with jdk 9)
sbt package
sbt "sparkSubmit --class io.elegans.exercises.TokenizeSentences -- --help"
Tokenize a list of sentences with spark
Usage: TokenizeSentences [options]
--help prints this usage text
--input <value> the input file or directory with input text default: sentences.txt
--output <value> the destination directory for the output default: TOKENIZED_SENTENCES
./scripts/ io.elegans.exercises.TokenizeSentences --help
./scripts/ io.elegans.exercises.TokenizeSentences --input sentences.utf8.clean.txt --output TOKENIZED
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx4g"
sbt assembly
spark-submit --driver-memory 8g --class io.elegans.exercises.TokenizeSentences ./target/scala-2.11/exercises-assembly-0.1.jar --help