Sei Network plugin for Eliza OS that enables Eliza agents to perform actions on the Sei blockchain.
This plugin provides functionality to:
- Transfer SEI tokens to other
addresses - Query wallet balances
pnpm install @elizaos/plugin-sei
The plugin requires the following environment variables:
SEI_PRIVATE_KEY= #your_private_key
SEI_NETWORK= #"mainnet","testnet", or "devnet"
Import and register the plugin in your Eliza configuration:
import { seiPlugin } from "@elizaos/plugin-sei";
export default {
plugins: [seiPlugin],
// ... other configuration
Transfer SEI tokens to another address:
// Example conversation
User: "Send 1 SEI to 0xD5ca6eA5e33606554F746606157a7512FA738A12";
Assistant: "I'll send 1 SEI token now...";
// Example conversation
User: "Send 1 SEI to sei1vpz36punknkdjfs7ew2vkdwws8ydcquy00hhsd";
Assistant: "I'll send 1 SEI token now...";
Query wallet balance and portfolio value:
// Example conversation
User: "What's my wallet balance?";
Assistant: "Your wallet contains 10.5 SEI ($5.25 USD)...";
: Transfer SEI to a specified address
: Manages wallet interactions with the Sei network, including balance queries and portfolio tracking
pnpm build
pnpm test
Some features planned for future releases include:
- On chain actions such as Staking and Unstaking, Governance, and native token creation
- Complex queries and transaction history tracking
- Smart contract deployment and interaction
- Integration with DeFi protocols on Sei, such as DEXes, Lending Protocols and Money Markets.
This plugin integrates with and builds upon several key technologies:
- Sei Blockchain: The fastest EVM blockchain
This plugin is part of the Eliza project. See the main project repository for license information.