This is a very simple illustration of artificial neural nets with genetic algorithms.
the project consist of 3 classes:
- Position
- NeutalNet
- AI
#Position: describe a simple position of snake game consisting of snake and a randomly generated food
#NeuralNet: Basic neural net class for:
- compute an activation from an input
- mutate the net
- compute cross-over of two nets
#AI: given a neural net it choses the best direction to go
when running program 3 options are possibles: #init create the first generation and save it to files candidate0..9.nn
#simulation perform simulation to iteratively find the best candidates that have the best fitness using a genetic algorithm
#test test candidate0.nn performance
two tests are available:
- learning xor
- learning how to eat food without touching walls you can use xor test by setting XOR_TEST to true you can use snake game by setting it to false
install cmake and build-essentials $sudo apt-get install cmake build-essentials
$cmake .
#Run $./NeuralNetGeneticAlgo